Dennis Townhill
Love Unknown "My Song Is Love Unknown"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Nicaea "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Michael "All My Hope on God Is Founded"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Be Thou My Vision
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Melita "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Laudate Dominum "O Praise Ye the Lord"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Dome Alley "God Is Love, Let Heav'n Adore Him"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Cross of Jesus "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Bow Brickhill "We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Hyfrydol "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Angel Voices, Ever Singing
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Hanover "O Worship the King all Glorious Above"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Gerontius "Praise to the Holiest in the Height"
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Famous Hymns of Praise
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Unknown Artist
The Complete Organ Works of Kenneth Leighton
My Beloved Spake
Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Orchestra of St. Mary's Music School
Peter Backhouse
Dennis Townhill
Dennis Townhill简介