Daniel Thomson
ARANES: Una sarao de la chacona (Single)
1 Songs
Durme, durme ijiko de madre (‘Sleep, sleep mother’s little son’)
Lux Musicae London
Daniel Thomson
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Sophie Creaner
Toby Carr
Harry Buckoke
Glossada sobre Susana un jur (‘Divisions over our Susanne one day’)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Harry Buckoke
Dindirin, dindirin
Lux Musicae London
Victoria Couper
Roberta Diamond
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Konstantinos Glynos
Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde
Toby Carr
Harry Buckoke
Un sarao de la chacona, ‘A la vida bona’ (‘Chaconne to the Good Life’)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Konstantinos Glynos
Yo m’enamorí d’un aire (‘I fell in love with an illusion’)
Lux Musicae London
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde
Toby Carr
A la una yo nací (‘At one o’clock I was born’)
Lux Musicae London
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Toby Carr
Con qué la lavaré la tez de la mi cara? (‘With what shall I wash the skin of my face?’)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Harry Buckoke
Tres morillas m’enamoran en Jaén (‘I fell in love with three Moorish girls in Jaén’)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Daniel Thomson
Konstantinos Glynos
Harry Buckoke
Ojos, pues me desdeñáis (‘Eyes, since you scorn me’)
Lux Musicae London
Daniel Thomson
Toby Carr
Un sarao de la chacona, ‘A la vida bona’ (‘Chaconne to the Good Life’)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Konstantinos Glynos
ARANES: Una sarao de la chacona (Single)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Konstantinos Glynos
Toby Carr
Harry Buckoke
Dindirin, dindirin (Single)
Lux Musicae London
Roberta Diamond
Victoria Couper
Daniel Thomson
Sophie Creaner
Mirjam-Luise Münzel
Konstantinos Glynos
Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde
Toby Carr
Harry Buckoke
Schubert: Erlkönig, Im Frühling, An den Mond
Secret Fires of Love
Studio Rhetorica
Daniel Thomson
Thomas Leininger
Terry Mckenna
About Daniel Thomson