Cora Canne Meyer
The Diary of One Who Disappeared, JW V/12 (Sung in German):No. 10, Gott dort oben, sag' warum nur
Milestones of a Legend: The Lyric Tenor, Vol. 6 · 1579795200000
Le comte Ory : Acte premier - "Une dame de haut parage"
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Cora Canne Meyer
Michel Sénéchal
Le comte Ory : Acte premier - "Vous avez entendu"
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Cora Canne Meyer
Michel Sénéchal
Le comte Ory : Acte premier - "C'est bien...je suis content"
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Cora Canne Meyer
Michel Sénéchal
Le comte Ory : Acte second - "D'amour et d'espérance"
Orchestra Sinfonica e coro di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Michel Sénéchal
Cora Canne Meyer
Le comte Ory : Acte premier - "Je ne puis plus long-temps"
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Raffaele Ariè
Cora Canne Meyer
Le comte Ory : Acte premier - "Isolier dans ces lieux"
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Sari Barabas
Cora Canne Meyer
Le comte Ory : Acte second - "Quel doux recueillement !"
Orchestra Sinfonica e coro di Torino della Rai
Vottorio Gui
Sari Barabas
Michel Sénéchal
Cora Canne Meyer
The Diary Of A Young Man Who Disappeared: Nos. VII - XI
Ernst Haefliger
Felix de Nobel
Trio From The Netherlands Chamber Choir
Cora Canne Meyer
The Diary Of A Young Man Who Disappeared: Nos. XII - XVIII
Ernst Haefliger
Trio From The Netherlands Chamber Choir
Cora Canne Meyer
Felix de Nobel
The Diary Of A Young Man Who Disappeared: Nos. I - VI
Ernst Haefliger
Felix de Nobel
Trio From The Netherlands Chamber Choir
Cora Canne Meyer
The Diary Of A Young Man Who Disappeared: Nos. XIX - XXI
Ernst Haefliger
Felix de Nobel
Cora Canne Meyer
Trio From The Netherlands Chamber Choir
The Diary Of A Young Man Who Disappeared: No. XXII
Ernst Haefliger
Trio From The Netherlands Chamber Choir
Felix de Nobel
Cora Canne Meyer
Milestones of a Legend: The Lyric Tenor, Vol. 6
Ernst Haefliger
Felix de Nobel
Cora Canne Meyer
Unknown Artist
About Cora Canne Meyer