Conni Ellisor


關於Conni Ellisor

Conni Ellisor(康妮·艾勒莎)是当今少数的全能型小提琴家,无论是古典、现代音乐她都可轻易驾驭目前她的个人专辑只有两张是因为大多数时间并非专注于个人专辑,有许多古典专辑的首席小提琴家都是她担当来自各界的小提琴演奏、编曲的需求,从来都没有停过,电视、电影、广告配乐、交响乐团演出等等不仅仅在小提琴家中是出类拔萃,在当今能够跨足各个领域的音乐制作的音乐家实在是不多 八十年代毕业于茱莉亚音乐学院的康妮·艾勒莎本身除了是小提琴家以外,也是当代不可多得的作曲家。在古典方面,康妮曾为丹佛交响乐的团员,并在Boulder布勒爱乐交响乐团担任小提琴首席,现在则为Nashville纳什维尔室内管弦乐团的助理首席,并担纲该团作曲工作。 此外康妮曾与流行音乐艺人如Kenny Rogers、Willie Netson、Emmylou Harris、Barbara Mandrell、Glen Camphell、Chet Atkins、Mel Tillis、Waylon Jennings等人合作过,本身也常帮影片、电影撰写配乐。由于本身的古典科班背景,加上对爵士乐的热爱,至今推出的四张个人创作专辑中经常会有古典与爵士元素存在其间,尤其是她的融合爵士专辑《Night at thd Museum》(激情夜/博物馆之夜)与《Dancing The Dream Awake》(一个人的幻想)更曾荣登Billboard成人榜的TOP 20。 Conni Ellisor (b. 25 September 1953) is an American composer and violinist. Ms. Ellisor was trained at The Juilliard School and the University of Denver's University of Denver, Lamont School of Music, and rose to prominence as composer-in-residence of the Nashville Chamber Orchestra in the late 1990s. As a violinist, she has served as a member of the Denver Symphony, concertmaster of the Boulder Philharmonic, first violin in the Athena Quartet (now the Colorado Quartet), and is now a top-call studio musician and member of the Nashville String Machine. Ellisor has written multiple works for the Arlington (N.Y.) High School Philharmonia Orchestra and recently completed a three-year residency with Stringendo, a nonprofit community strings program in upstate New York. Ellisor has also had a career as a contemporary jazz recording artist. Her Night at the Museum album, one of four solo albums she’s released, climbed to #13 on Billboard’s Adult Alternative chart.

Conni Ellisor

Conni Ellisor(康妮·艾勒莎)是当今少数的全能型小提琴家,无论是古典、现代音乐她都可轻易驾驭目前她的个人专辑只有两张是因为大多数时间并非专注于个人专辑,有许多古典专辑的首席小提琴家都是她担当来自各界的小提琴演奏、编曲的需求,从来都没有停过,电视、电影、广告配乐、交响乐团演出等等不仅仅在小提琴家中是出类拔萃,在当今能够跨足各个领域的音乐制作的音乐家实在是不多 八十年代毕业于茱莉亚音乐学院的康妮·艾勒莎本身除了是小提琴家以外,也是当代不可多得的作曲家。在古典方面,康妮曾为丹佛交响乐的团员,并在Boulder布勒爱乐交响乐团担任小提琴首席,现在则为Nashville纳什维尔室内管弦乐团的助理首席,并担纲该团作曲工作。 此外康妮曾与流行音乐艺人如Kenny Rogers、Willie Netson、Emmylou Harris、Barbara Mandrell、Glen Camphell、Chet Atkins、Mel Tillis、Waylon Jennings等人合作过,本身也常帮影片、电影撰写配乐。由于本身的古典科班背景,加上对爵士乐的热爱,至今推出的四张个人创作专辑中经常会有古典与爵士元素存在其间,尤其是她的融合爵士专辑《Night at thd Museum》(激情夜/博物馆之夜)与《Dancing The Dream Awake》(一个人的幻想)更曾荣登Billboard成人榜的TOP 20。 Conni Ellisor (b. 25 September 1953) is an American composer and violinist. Ms. Ellisor was trained at The Juilliard School and the University of Denver's University of Denver, Lamont School of Music, and rose to prominence as composer-in-residence of the Nashville Chamber Orchestra in the late 1990s. As a violinist, she has served as a member of the Denver Symphony, concertmaster of the Boulder Philharmonic, first violin in the Athena Quartet (now the Colorado Quartet), and is now a top-call studio musician and member of the Nashville String Machine. Ellisor has written multiple works for the Arlington (N.Y.) High School Philharmonia Orchestra and recently completed a three-year residency with Stringendo, a nonprofit community strings program in upstate New York. Ellisor has also had a career as a contemporary jazz recording artist. Her Night at the Museum album, one of four solo albums she’s released, climbed to #13 on Billboard’s Adult Alternative chart.
