Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part I, No.1: Die Vorstellung des Chaos (The Representation of Chaos)
Andreas Spering
Jan Kobow
Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Max Ciolek
Christine Wehler
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part I: Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde (In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth) (Raphael, Uriel, Chorus)
Andreas Spering
Jan Kobow
Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Max Ciolek
Christine Wehler
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.14: Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der Fulle hervor (And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly) (Gabriel)
Andreas Spering
Jan Kobow
Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Max Ciolek
Christine Wehler
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part II, No.15: Auf starkem Fittiche schwinget sich der Adler stolz (On mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft) (Gabriel)
Jan Kobow
Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Max Ciolek
Christine Wehler
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Andreas Spering
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Part III, No.32: Holde Gattin! (Graceful consort!) (Adam and Eve)
Andreas Spering
Jan Kobow
Hanno Müller-Brachmann
Max Ciolek
Christine Wehler
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Andromeda e Perseo, P. 25:Act I: Chorus: Gut'ge Gotter, schont die Arme
HAYDN, M.: Andromeda e Perseo [Opera] (Goebel) · 1314806400007
Andromeda e Perseo, P. 25:Act I: Chorus: Lebe, Konigstochter
Reinhard Goebel
Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Andromeda e Perseo, P. 25:Act II: Chorus: Seht Perseus den Grossen
HAYDN, M.: Andromeda e Perseo [Opera] (Goebel) · 1314806400007
Andromeda e Perseo, P. 25:Act II: Chorus: Freude schenket uns hienieden (All)
Max Ciolek
Raimund Nolte
Christine Wolff
Heike Porstein
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra
Reinhard Goebel
Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2:Die Schopfung (The Creation), Hob.XXI:2: Part I, No.2: Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle
Andreas Spering
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part I: Pieta d'un'infelice (Anna, Tobit, Ebrei)
Ann Hallenberg
Nikolay Borchev
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
Andreas Spering
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part I: Ah gran Dio! (Ebrei)
HAYDN: Ritorno di Tobia (Il) · 1193846400007
Il ritorno di Tobia (The Return of Tobias), Hob.XXI:1:Part I: Odi le nostre voci (Ebrei, Tobia, Anna, Tobit, Sara, Raffaelle)
Andreas Spering
Ann Hallenberg
Nikolay Borchev
Anders J. Dahlin
Cologne Vocal Ensemble
Capella Augustina
關於Cologne Vocal Ensemble