Christopher Hollingsworth
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Enter Laertes and Ophelia, speaking together quietly (Laertes, Ophelia, Polonius)
Steven Scheschareg
Christopher Hollingsworth
Michelle Vought
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: For us and for our tragedy (Prologue, Player King and Queen, Hamlet, Lucianus, Ophelia, Queen, Polonius, Attendants, King, Horatio)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Timothy Schmidt
Jolene McCleland
Steven Scheschareg
Christopher Hollingsworth
Michelle Vought
Konstantinos Klironomos
Zerotin Academic Choir
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act IV: Where is the King? (Laertes, Queen, King, Ophelia, Messenger)
Timothy Schmidt
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Michelle Vought
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act IV: Our sorrows come so fast (Queen, Laertes)
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Is it to be a Christian burial? (Grave-digger, Grave-digger's mate, Hamlet, Horatio)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Steven Scheschareg
Christopher Hollingsworth
Konstantinos Klironomos
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Dies irae, dies illa (Chorus, Hamlet, Horatio, Laertes, Priest)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Timothy Schmidt
Christopher Hollingsworth
Konstantinos Klironomos
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Sweets to the sweet (Queen, Laertes)
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Oh, treble woe (Laertes, Hamlet, Queen, Horatio, King)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Timothy Schmidt
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Konstantinos Klironomos
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: A table is prepared (King, Queen, Laertes, Hamlet, Osric)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Timothy Schmidt
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Robert Wagner
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Hamlet and Laertes play their first bout (Hamlet, Laertes, Osric, King, Queen)
Timothy Schmidt
Jolene McCleland
Christopher Hollingsworth
Robert Wagner
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Hamlet:Act V: Oh, villainy! Villainy! (Hamlet, Laertes, Chorus, King)
Alexander Kaimbacher
Timothy Schmidt
Christopher Hollingsworth
Zerotin Academic Choir
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Petr Vronský
Where the Cross is Made:Can you see, Doctor? (Nat, Dr. Higgins)
Karyl Carlson
Christopher Hollingsworth
Clinton Desmond
Illinois State University Chamber Orchestra
Where the Cross is Made:There are cases where facts … (Nat, Dr. Higgins)
Karyl Carlson
Christopher Hollingsworth
Clinton Desmond
Illinois State University Chamber Orchestra
About Christopher Hollingsworth