Carl Schimmel
Two Scenes from the Shrine of the Crossing of the Birds: I. The plum rains dissolve into mists, swaddling a strawberry moon
Eos Sextet
Carl Schimmel
Two Scenes from the Shrine of the Crossing of the Birds: II. Seated high upon a monstrous palanquin, a fierce warrior approaches
Eos Sextet
Carl Schimmel
Into Xylonia: I. Gleaming teak parquet, boundless, oceanic
Into Xylonia · 1418572800007
Into Xylonia: III. Newelposts and dominoes jostle with alphablocks, caepitose and shrubby
Iridium Quartet
Carl Schimmel
Into Xylonia: VI. From the barbicans flutter deckle and chads, tickertape and timbersplinters, crepe paper billowing like henin cloth
Into Xylonia · 1418572800007
Into Xylonia: II. Bubinga buttons and ash pegs bubble in clumps
Into Xylonia · 1418572800007
Into Xylonia: IV. Ligneous tendrils bear fattening spindle tips, shooting about dowelsprout
Into Xylonia · 1418572800007
Into Xylonia: V. Pyrgoidal Peppermills and Peglegs – Mammoth Axehandles – Titanic Biedermeier Bedstands
Into Xylonia · 1418572800007
Towns of Wind and Wood: Town Afloat in the Night (feat. Carl Schimmel)
Madera Wind Quintet
Carl Schimmel
Towns of Wind and Wood: Dog Breath Town (feat. Carl Schimmel)
Madera Wind Quintet
Carl Schimmel
Towns of Wind and Wood: Town of the Open Casket (feat. Carl Schimmel)
Madera Wind Quintet
Carl Schimmel
Towns of Wind and Wood: Town of the Scent of Daybreak (feat. Carl Schimmel)
Madera Wind Quintet
Carl Schimmel
Towns of Wind and Wood: Town of the Smallest Cyclone (feat. Carl Schimmel)
Madera Wind Quintet
Carl Schimmel
Acerca de Carl Schimmel