Bernadette Cullen
Requiem: I. Requiem e Kyrie
Giuseppe Verdi
Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra
Opera Australia Chorus
Simone Young
Rosamund Illing
Bernadette Cullen
Dennis O'Neil
Bruce Martin
Symphony No.2 in C minor - "Resurrection":4. "Urlicht". Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht "O Röschen rot!"
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Melbourne Chorale
Markus Stenz
Bernadette Cullen
Elizabeth Whitehouse
Symphony No.2 in C minor - "Resurrection":5. Im Tempo des Scherzo - Langsam misterioso
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Melbourne Chorale
Markus Stenz
Bernadette Cullen
Elizabeth Whitehouse
Messa da Requiem:2j. Lacrymosa
Opera Australia Chorus
The Australian Opera And Ballet Orchestra
Simone Young
Bruce Martin
Rosamund Illing
Bernadette Cullen
Dennis O'Neill
Stravinsky:Pulcinella II. Serenata: Larghetto, Mentre l'erbetta (tenor)
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Grant Dixon
Thomas Edmunds
The Bohemian Girl / Act 2:This is thy deed
Richard Bonynge
Bernadette Cullen
John del Carlo
Ireland National Symphony Orchestra
The Bohemian Girl / Act 2:'Tis gone - the past was all a dream
Richard Bonynge
Bernadette Cullen
Ireland National Symphony Orchestra
Stravinsky:Pulcinella XX. Gavotta con due variazioni - Vivio
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Grant Dixon
Bernadette Cullen
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Thomas Edmunds
Stravinsky:Pulcinella 1. Overture: Allegro moderato
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Thomas Edmunds
Grant Dixon
Stravinsky:Pulcinella 2. Serenata: Larghetto, Mentre l'erbetta (tenor)
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Thomas Edmunds
Grant Dixon
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Stravinsky:Pulcinella 7. Scherzino: Ancora poco meno: Contento forse vivere (soprano)
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Thomas Edmunds
Grant Dixon
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Stravinsky:Pulcinella 10. Scherzino: Andante: Sento dire no'ncè pace (soprano, tenor & bass)
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Thomas Edmunds
Grant Dixon
Stravinsky:Pulcinella 13. Scherzino: Presto, "Una te fa la zemprece" (tenor)
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Christopher Lydon-Gee
Bernadette Cullen
Thomas Edmunds
Grant Dixon
Balfe: The Bohemian Girl
Richard Bonynge
Nova Thomas
Patrick Power
Jonathan Summers
Bernadette Cullen
John del Carlo
Tim German
Radio Telefis Eireann Philharmonic Choir
Ireland National Symphony Orchestra
Sobre Bernadette Cullen