Ben Griffiths
The Mermaid:I. Enchanting Times
George Vass
Kit Hesketh-Harvey
Clare McCaldin
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Christian Wilson
Russian Tableaux:I. Mother Volga
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
Spectre of the Maiden Scorned
male section Cambridge Clare College Choir
Grace Durham
Kathryn Thomas Umble
Emily Pailthorpe
Sara Trickey
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Katherine Jenkinson
Ben Griffiths
Ben Fullbrook
Graham Ross
The Mermaid:II. Danger Lurks
George Vass
Kit Hesketh-Harvey
Clare McCaldin
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Christian Wilson
The Mermaid:III. Cherubs to the Rescue
Kit Hesketh-Harvey
Clare McCaldin
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Christian Wilson
George Vass
Russian Tableaux:II. 1917
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Russian Tableaux:III. Dance of the Matryoshka Dolls
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
Arabian Rhapsody Suite:I. Marrakesh
Madeleine Easton
Sarah-Jane Bradley
Bozidar Vukotic
Ben Griffiths
About Ben Griffiths