Country of origin:Canada
Location:Toronto, Ontario
Formed in:1981
Genre:Heavy/Power Metal
Themes:Love, Heavy Metal, Sex, Life, Society, Politics
Current label:AFM Records
Years active:1978-1981 (as Lips), 1981-present
Started in 1978 as Lips, and released their first album independently under that name, but changed it after signing to Attic Records to avoid confusion with disco act Lipps, Inc. The debut album was then re-released under the new name.
Anvil has a tradition of giving all of their albums alliterated three-word titles.
Anvil(铁砧),是一支来自加拿大老牌重金属乐队,这支乐队被尊称为“金属摇滚乐的领袖”,对后来的Metallica, Slayer和Anthrax等乐队都产生了深刻的影响。乐队多部歌曲Hard 'N' Heavy 、Metal on Metal等深受歌迷喜爱。