Annabell McLauchlan
Burial Service: I. Man that is Born of a Woman
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Thomas Morley
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: II. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: III. We Brought Nothing Into This World
The Choir of Christ's College
William Croft
David Rowland
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Burial Sentences: IV. Man that is Born of a Woman
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: VII. I Heard A Voice From Heav'n
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
I Am The Resurrection
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Orlando Gibbons
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: I. I Am The Resurrection
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: V. In the Midst of Life
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
Burial Sentences: VI. Thou Knowest, Lord
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
William Croft
David Rowland
When David Heard
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Thomas Tomkins
David Rowland
Burial Service: II. In the Midst of Life
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Thomas Morley
David Rowland
Death Hath Deprived Me
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Thomas Weelkes
David Rowland
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
The Choir of Christ's College
Michael Bawtree
Annabell McLauchlan
Zoë Milton Brown
Sarah Armstrong
Matthew Locke
David Rowland
Acerca de Annabell McLauchlan