Born within the thick forests of the US's Pacific Northwest, Alda has spent years cultivating their sound of dense, suffocating banks of black metal fog and moody folk riffs.
Since their inception in 2007, this 4 piece has been dedicated to a lifestyle founded on respect and communication with the soil on which they dwell.
Country of origin:
United States
Tacoma, Washington
Formed in:
Atmospheric Black Metal
Lyrical themes:
Nature, Atavistic reclamation of the world
Current label:
Years active:
According to the booklet of Alda's self titled re-released album by Eisenwald, "Alda" means "tree" in a language found in J.R.R Tolkien's Silmarillion. They later found that "Alda" appears in the Völuspá and means either "great wave" or "elder" in old norse depending on translation.
Compilation appearance:
- "In the Wake of an Iron Wind” on Resistance: Anti-NSBM Volume 3 (2015).
- "Tearing of the Weave (remix)" on Overgrow to Overthrow (Bindrune Recordings, 2020)