

宝安电台 Vol . 2



About 雪王Snoww

Snoww小雪王,独立音乐人,厂牌主理人,现假斯文乐队成员,作为吉他手和主唱出身的她是忠实的旋律拥护者,对电子乐与摇滚乐也有个人特别的见解,在她的作品中总是充满了丰富且细腻的情感。 2012 年参加 SIAN BEAT 亚洲节拍音乐大赛获得中国大陆赛区总决赛弹唱组亚军。2011-2017 年组建荷尔蒙小姐乐队发布Ep《象》并活跃于国内各大音乐节演出。2020 年全球发行于美国录制的假斯文乐队的新专辑(WHO’S WORLD)获得业内大量好评。2022年假斯文第二张专辑《无处不在》获第十三届迷笛奖年度最佳电子音乐提名!目前在个人音乐项目Snoww中尝试加入更多多元的声音元素进行调味 Snoww is an music producer, label manager, and current member of the Fake Gentle electro-rock band. As a guitarist and vocalist, she is a strong advocate of melody. she has special point of view towords electroic music and rock music.with her music always being full of rich and exquisite emotuons. From 2012 to 2017, she was active in various domestic music festivals as a musician. In 2020, the band's new album (WHO's WORLD), which was released globally and recorded in the United States, received a lot of praise from the industry. 2022 second album "Everywhere" was nominated for the 13th MIDI Awards for Best Electronic Music of the Year.


Snoww小雪王,独立音乐人,厂牌主理人,现假斯文乐队成员,作为吉他手和主唱出身的她是忠实的旋律拥护者,对电子乐与摇滚乐也有个人特别的见解,在她的作品中总是充满了丰富且细腻的情感。 2012 年参加 SIAN BEAT 亚洲节拍音乐大赛获得中国大陆赛区总决赛弹唱组亚军。2011-2017 年组建荷尔蒙小姐乐队发布Ep《象》并活跃于国内各大音乐节演出。2020 年全球发行于美国录制的假斯文乐队的新专辑(WHO’S WORLD)获得业内大量好评。2022年假斯文第二张专辑《无处不在》获第十三届迷笛奖年度最佳电子音乐提名!目前在个人音乐项目Snoww中尝试加入更多多元的声音元素进行调味 Snoww is an music producer, label manager, and current member of the Fake Gentle electro-rock band. As a guitarist and vocalist, she is a strong advocate of melody. she has special point of view towords electroic music and rock music.with her music always being full of rich and exquisite emotuons. From 2012 to 2017, she was active in various domestic music festivals as a musician. In 2020, the band's new album (WHO's WORLD), which was released globally and recorded in the United States, received a lot of praise from the industry. 2022 second album "Everywhere" was nominated for the 13th MIDI Awards for Best Electronic Music of the Year.