超人田田是一群来自成都的现代小丑, 令人愉快的古怪戏剧遇到合成器浸透的混乱搭配,滑稽朋克、流行民谣和感觉良好的电子乐突袭而来。 超人田田充满活力的现场表演是大胆陈述和狂野想象力的绝妙组合,俏皮的情节中注入了狡猾的文字游戏,早餐碗里充满了炸药,保证了舞台上的疯狂。摇滚或死,童心不死。
SUPERtt are merry band of modern-day jesters from Chengdu. Delightfully eccentric oddball theatrics meet synth-soaked musical mayhem, raiding the kitchens of performance punk, pop balladry and feel-good electronica. SUPER tt‘s energetic live shows are a brilliant mix of bold statements and wild imagination, where playful plots are infused with crafty wordplay, breakfast bowls come alive with explosives and on-stage madness is guaranteed. Rock or die, childlike innocence never dies.
鼓/打击板:孟玮 Vocalist/Synthesizer/Performance: Gu Liru
Vocalist/Synthesizer/Bass: Puyang
Guitar/Synthesizer/Program: Luo Xu
Drum/Strike Boards: Meng Wei