
高枕无忧 (SLASHIE Remix)




About 禅波ZENBØ

禅波ZENBØ 有著不同于他人的特殊节拍感以及韵脚,并以敏锐的声音品味将一首又一首的作品绘上绝妙的听感。 巧妙地融合流行、嘻哈、R&B 等音乐元素,就像个音乐的艺术家一样尽情挥洒音符,用著特立独行的想像思维,在嘻哈圈横空出世,散发强烈出非典型的嘻哈创作人氛围。 曾以优异的表现以《怪胎大雄GEEKNONOBITA》夺下2017年金音奖最佳嘻哈专辑,并在台湾首部饶舌选秀节目《大嘻哈时代》中取得第五名的成绩。 "ZENBØ" in Chinese is "CHAN-BO." From Taiwan, Taipei. He possesses a unique sense of rhythm and rhyme that sets him apart from others, characterized by his acute vocal sensitivity and exquisite auditory experience. His musical style seamlessly blends elements from pop, hip-hop, and R&B genres. Guided by an independent mindset, he emanates the personality traits of an unconventional hip-hop artist. Distinguished career include his album "GEEKNONOBITA" which secured the 2017 Golden Indie Music Awards - Best Hip Hop Album Award. He also achieved the fifth position in Taiwan's debut rap talent show "THE RAPPERS."


禅波ZENBØ 有著不同于他人的特殊节拍感以及韵脚,并以敏锐的声音品味将一首又一首的作品绘上绝妙的听感。 巧妙地融合流行、嘻哈、R&B 等音乐元素,就像个音乐的艺术家一样尽情挥洒音符,用著特立独行的想像思维,在嘻哈圈横空出世,散发强烈出非典型的嘻哈创作人氛围。 曾以优异的表现以《怪胎大雄GEEKNONOBITA》夺下2017年金音奖最佳嘻哈专辑,并在台湾首部饶舌选秀节目《大嘻哈时代》中取得第五名的成绩。 "ZENBØ" in Chinese is "CHAN-BO." From Taiwan, Taipei. He possesses a unique sense of rhythm and rhyme that sets him apart from others, characterized by his acute vocal sensitivity and exquisite auditory experience. His musical style seamlessly blends elements from pop, hip-hop, and R&B genres. Guided by an independent mindset, he emanates the personality traits of an unconventional hip-hop artist. Distinguished career include his album "GEEKNONOBITA" which secured the 2017 Golden Indie Music Awards - Best Hip Hop Album Award. He also achieved the fifth position in Taiwan's debut rap talent show "THE RAPPERS."