

حول 王敬宣

王敬宣,美国北科罗拉多大学艺术博士,融合爵士文化底蕴的跨界古典小提琴家。 旅美十二年的生活带给她与当地爵士乐手学习、合作的独特经历,使她的音乐中透露着浑然天成的爵士灵魂。 她是2018年美国爵士权威杂志《Downbeat》获奖乐队“All Angles爵士交响大乐团”的第一小提琴手;曾参与录制2张爵士专辑,1张流行funk专辑,1张古典专辑,其中包括与格莱美提名爵士小号大师 Alex Sipiagin 合作的《New Angles》 (2017)专辑。首张个人专辑融合爵士与古典,于2020年6月发行(其中包括个人独奏,以及她领衔的跨界组合“Dynamix弦乐四重奏”演奏的卡普斯汀弦乐作品)。她的博士论文是研究专辑中两首曲目的爵士元素理论分析,于2019年8月发表于美国国会图书馆。 网站:www.chinghsuanwang.com Dr. Ching-Hsuan Wang is a versatile violinist whose playing was acclaimed to “capture the feeling of spontaneity that is at the core of jazz music." She is the violinist of All Angles Orchestra, the winner of 2018 Downbeat “Best Large Jazz Ensemble - College Graduate” award. She is the featured studio violinist for 1 funk album, and 1 classical album, including the All Angles Orchestra's original album New Angle (2017) featuring Grammy nominated jazz trumpeter Alex Sipiagin. Her personal album Nikolai Kapustin’s String Works: Violin Sonata Op. 70 and String Quartet No. 1, Op. 88 was released on June, 2020. This album includes music which combine jazz styles within classical structures, it includes her solo performance and string quartet performance with her cross-genre group, Dynamix String Quartet. Wang’s dissertation is the analysis of jazz elements in two musical works in her album. It was published in the Library of Congress in August, 2019. Website: www.chinghsuanwang.com


王敬宣,美国北科罗拉多大学艺术博士,融合爵士文化底蕴的跨界古典小提琴家。 旅美十二年的生活带给她与当地爵士乐手学习、合作的独特经历,使她的音乐中透露着浑然天成的爵士灵魂。 她是2018年美国爵士权威杂志《Downbeat》获奖乐队“All Angles爵士交响大乐团”的第一小提琴手;曾参与录制2张爵士专辑,1张流行funk专辑,1张古典专辑,其中包括与格莱美提名爵士小号大师 Alex Sipiagin 合作的《New Angles》 (2017)专辑。首张个人专辑融合爵士与古典,于2020年6月发行(其中包括个人独奏,以及她领衔的跨界组合“Dynamix弦乐四重奏”演奏的卡普斯汀弦乐作品)。她的博士论文是研究专辑中两首曲目的爵士元素理论分析,于2019年8月发表于美国国会图书馆。 网站:www.chinghsuanwang.com Dr. Ching-Hsuan Wang is a versatile violinist whose playing was acclaimed to “capture the feeling of spontaneity that is at the core of jazz music." She is the violinist of All Angles Orchestra, the winner of 2018 Downbeat “Best Large Jazz Ensemble - College Graduate” award. She is the featured studio violinist for 1 funk album, and 1 classical album, including the All Angles Orchestra's original album New Angle (2017) featuring Grammy nominated jazz trumpeter Alex Sipiagin. Her personal album Nikolai Kapustin’s String Works: Violin Sonata Op. 70 and String Quartet No. 1, Op. 88 was released on June, 2020. This album includes music which combine jazz styles within classical structures, it includes her solo performance and string quartet performance with her cross-genre group, Dynamix String Quartet. Wang’s dissertation is the analysis of jazz elements in two musical works in her album. It was published in the Library of Congress in August, 2019. Website: www.chinghsuanwang.com

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