point man

point man

世界上有1%的人,只有他们才能看到真相,这1%的人分成两种角色,一个是天使一个是魔鬼,世界的较量是这两种人的较量,我们不喜欢做其他99%的芸芸众生,我们只想活出自己的感觉,不做大多数的1% There are 1% of the people in the world, only they can see the truth. The 1% of the people are divided into two roles, one is an angel and the other is a devil. The world is a contest between these two people. We don't like to be the other 99% of the sentient beings. We just want to feel like live high, not the 1% of the majority.

point man

Knowsayin' · 1589375630921

世界上有1%的人,只有他们才能看到真相,这1%的人分成两种角色,一个是天使一个是魔鬼,世界的较量是这两种人的较量,我们不喜欢做其他99%的芸芸众生,我们只想活出自己的感觉,不做大多数的1% There are 1% of the people in the world, only they can see the truth. The 1% of the people are divided into two roles, one is an angel and the other is a devil. The world is a contest between these two people. We don't like to be the other 99% of the sentient beings. We just want to feel like live high, not the 1% of the majority.

