《泳者之心》是由乔阿吉姆·罗恩尼执导、黛西·雷德利主演的电影。该片于2024年5月31日在美国、中国内地上映。影片改编自历史上首位横渡英吉利海峡女泳者的真实传奇经历。无惧时代禁锢和社会偏见,特鲁迪 · 埃德尔(黛西·雷德利 Daisy Ridley 饰)破纪录跨越34公里天堑,直面惊涛骇浪,克服水母刺蜇……任何质疑和危险都无法阻挡一颗勇敢的心。 华特 · 迪士尼唱片公司将发行传记体育剧《泳者之心》的官方原声专辑。这张专辑收录了阿梅莉亚·华纳(《马尔科姆先生的清单》、《玛丽 · 雪莱》、《野山百里香》、《母爱清单》)为这部电影创作的原创配乐。配乐将于明天,即5月31日以数字形式发布,并可在此处流式传输/下载。还可以听下面作曲家乐谱中的两首曲目,点击此处查看该项目的音乐团队学分。《泳者之心》由Joachim Rønning执导,主演包括Daisy Ridley、Tilda Cobham Hervey、Stephen Graham、Christopher Eccleston、Kim Bodnia和Glenn Fleshle。这部电影是根据格伦·斯托特的同名小说改编的,告诉了特鲁迪 · 埃德尔的真实故事。她是一名出色的游泳运动员,在姐姐和教练的坚定支持下,克服了父权制社会的逆境,在奥运游泳队中脱颖而出,成为第一位成功游泳的女性。 Walt Disney Records will release the official soundtrack album for the biographical sports drama Young Woman and the Sea. The album features the film’s original score composed by Amelia Warner (Mr. Malcolm’s List, Mary Shelley, Wild Mountain Thyme, Mum’s List). The soundtrack will be released digitally tomorrow, May 31 and will be available to stream/download here. Also listen to two tracks from the composer’s score below and click here to check out the project’s music team credits. Young Woman and the Sea is directed by Joachim Rønning and stars Daisy Ridley, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Stephen Graham, Christopher Eccleston, Kim Bodnia and Glenn Fleshle. The movie is based on the book of the same title by Glenn Stout and tells the true story of Trudy Ederle, an accomplished swimmer who – through the steadfast support of her older sister and her trainers – overcame adversity of a patriarchal society to rise through the ranks of the Olympic swimming team and became the first woman to successfu
Amelia Warner的其他专辑
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