Why I am still lost tryna find a way Find a path but it fades away Lotta things to say neglect Those who matter On a booth I spit the pain That's gathered Tryna find the light But end up with a knife Tryna find my hype Or survive a 9 to 5 What's there for me What's there in my life Don't have the recipe To be the best of me Self doubt That's how I feel My zeal Got many Cracks in them M seal these cracks I hem To fill these gaps I test my mic Durecel shit that's extra life Did'nt make it so far to quit and fall apart Make my destiny I write it in the stars Who I wanna be vs who I wass at the start Why Gari rachas rap shit Banai rachas track list Why Naha garibi dekhis Nah cha sad stories Kina Kalam uthai taileh koris Pen to the pad I wrote what I felt Inside I'm mad let out what I dealt Portray myself express my thoughts The battles in my minds some won some lost Every thought wars fought put in a song Made me independent for a moment from Self doubt That's how I Felt Time melt When I sit to write I find hope in hopeless Find good in worthless Thats been the process I Fight my losses And I am gonna do more Voice for wordless Don't want the adore Not for the views I do it cause its therapy Mero mental health lai Dincha yesleh clarity For the fathers jasleh afnu Chora ko mental heath bhulyo Next day Inner strength Hari chora chai fan mah ghundyo That's why Gari rachu rap shit Banai rachu track list That's why Naha garibi dekhey Nah cha sad story Kalam uthai maileh korey Korey Kalam kagaj Mah afnu soch bharey Gana chaley na chaley Afno Khot sitah larey Hope it helps you Through your bad days Though khali bottles And filled ashtrays That's why Gari rachu rap shit Banai rachu track list That's why Naha garibi dekhey Nah cha sad story Kalam uthai maileh korey Bleed Ink Hip Hop till I die
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