“In the distant future, long after the world had succumbed to catastrophic climate change and nuclear devastation, humanity found refuge in the most unexpected of places—the depths of the sea. The surface had become a barren wasteland, and the survivors were forced to adapt, their civilization evolving into an underwater society. Amid the vast, uncharted expanse of the ocean's depths, the survivors had established their subaquatic civilization. It was a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. They'd repurposed the wreckage of sunken ships, transforming them into the foundations of their new world, creating a network of interconnected habitats with intricate tunnels and airlocks. Seaweed gardens and schools of bioluminescent fish provided sustenance, and the city's engineers had devised a means of extracting essential resources from the very water that enveloped them. Yet, for all their adaptation, the surface's haunting memories lingered in the collective consciousness. Tales of barren wastelands, scorched skies, and the desolation of once-teeming cities haunted the dreams of every generation. Arianna often found herself gazing at a tattered, weathered photograph that had somehow survived the apocalypse. In it, a lush forest overlooked a sparkling lake, the golden glow of a setting sun casting long shadows. Her father had taken the photograph, and it was a glimpse into a world that now existed only in the faded memories of the elderly and the frayed pages of history books.” After almost 2 years of the making, Marek Dadok aka Drop Database finished his path, ready to set his 'Voyager EP' free to start its own journey. The four-track release consists of deep atmospheric rollers, stinkers, and storytelling bits that will take you on an adventure from the levels of the sea to the depths of an unknown abyss. And so the Man behind the label’s graphic postproduction after several singles fully enters the imprint of SINFUL MAZE discography, delivering the results of his destined duties.
Drop Database的其他专辑
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