Universal Love(兼爱)

Universal Love(兼爱)

『……先王之所书,《大雅》之所道,曰:“无言而不雠,无德而不报。投我以桃,报之以李”即此言爱人者见爱也,而恶人者必见恶也。不识天下之士,所以皆闻兼而非之者,其故何也。《墨子·兼爱(下)》』 ======================================== Why it is that the world's officers' all hear about 'universal' and yet condemn it —what reason can there be? Do they think it is difficult or impossible to put into practice? But there have already been things as difficult as this that have been possible to put into practice. —————————————— 作曲/编曲:佩轩_Panda桑 封面/题字:有一个银河

Universal Love(兼爱)

佩轩_Panda桑 · 1683388800000

『……先王之所书,《大雅》之所道,曰:“无言而不雠,无德而不报。投我以桃,报之以李”即此言爱人者见爱也,而恶人者必见恶也。不识天下之士,所以皆闻兼而非之者,其故何也。《墨子·兼爱(下)》』 ======================================== Why it is that the world's officers' all hear about 'universal' and yet condemn it —what reason can there be? Do they think it is difficult or impossible to put into practice? But there have already been things as difficult as this that have been possible to put into practice. —————————————— 作曲/编曲:佩轩_Panda桑 封面/题字:有一个银河