Two Birds

Two Birds

“Two Birds,” written, arranged, and produced by professional film scorer and singer-songwriter Ray Hou, narrates a simple journey through the depths of musical layering and harmony as the subjects go through phases of separation. The song diverts from the traditional form, as it is urged to be listened to as one ever-flowing landscape as Ray’s cinematic influences transfer naturally to his songs. “Two Birds” precedes it’s latter half, “It’s Been So Long,” which talks of reunion of the same subjects in a similar yet polarizing sense. This song is the first of Ray’s newest four-song concept |Distance|, which try to emulate aspects of depth and space - in both the exterior and the interior - physical and emotional - between each other and oneself.

Two Birds

Ray Hou · 1712764800000

“Two Birds,” written, arranged, and produced by professional film scorer and singer-songwriter Ray Hou, narrates a simple journey through the depths of musical layering and harmony as the subjects go through phases of separation. The song diverts from the traditional form, as it is urged to be listened to as one ever-flowing landscape as Ray’s cinematic influences transfer naturally to his songs. “Two Birds” precedes it’s latter half, “It’s Been So Long,” which talks of reunion of the same subjects in a similar yet polarizing sense. This song is the first of Ray’s newest four-song concept |Distance|, which try to emulate aspects of depth and space - in both the exterior and the interior - physical and emotional - between each other and oneself.


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