在“UNITY”大型remix计画后,RPG找回了两位计画的老班底,一样boom-bap的Black MIC、以及巨量曲风都能轻松驾驭的“风格教科书”BG8LOCC,一起加入了Training Day的献声阵容当中。 JL22打磨的beat以行进速度较慢的70bpm作为基底,结合出了充满张力与凶残音色的modern boom-bap风格,三位在自己的创作生涯虽然摄取著不全然相同的基底养份,但议题上我们是说著共同语言的饶舌歌手,在JL这个狠辣的beat上展现出各自的样貌。三段听感截然不同的flow设计中把对于嘻哈人生的体验,无论是美好的、现实的、功利的还是残酷的各种面向,有如教育班长在干训班喷飞新兵一样毫无保留地分享出来。 如果你也有想过要尝试这样的嘻哈人生,请务必先来Training Day,这首歌如同一次残酷的训练课程,要你正视嘻哈音乐产业中的真实面貌,或许会打破许多你对嘻哈音乐产业中不切实际的粉红泡泡,但绝对字字血泪,句句属实。 Hip-hop heads from Taiwan will surely remember the iconic “UNITY” remix project. This time, RPG reunites the original crew, featuring the boom-bap master Black MIC and the "Style Bible" BG8LOCC, both known for their versatility and unique flair. Together, they team up to deliver a powerful performance on Training Day. Produced by JL22, the track builds on a slow 70 bpm tempo, fusing a fierce modern boom-bap sound with aggressive textures. The three rappers effortlessly shine on this beat, each delivering their unique take on the realities of the hip-hop grind. Through distinct flows, RPG, Black MIC, and BG8LOCC express the highs and lows, the beauty and brutality, of their hip-hop journey. Training Day isn’t just a song; it’s a boot camp for those who dream of entering the hip-hop world. The raw truths laid bare in their lyrics will shatter any unrealistic illusions you might have about the music industry. If you’ve ever considered living the hip-hop life, this track is your initiation. Every word is soaked in real-life experience, and every line carries the weight of truth. #RPG #JL22 #BlackMIC #BG8LOCC #TrainingDay
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