The Romantic Cello

The Romantic Cello

少有古典音乐家可以又演奏又写文章,知名大提琴家朱利安.洛伊.韦伯就是这样的好手,除了在世界巡迴演奏之外,他每个月都为《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)撰写评论音乐和音乐家的专栏,字字珠璣,也让外界对於音乐家的论述能力有了另一番体悟。热衷扬发现代音乐的他,曾为五十首以上的大提琴作品举行世界首演,手持的是一六九零年由史特拉第瓦里家族的Barjansky所制的名贵古琴。 朱利安.洛伊.韦伯已被视为当代最具创造力的音乐家之一,他师事法国大提琴家傅尼叶,出道之后几乎是一炮而红,他与曼纽因合作的艾尔加〈大提琴协奏曲〉录音被视为有史以来最好的版本之一。而他的哥哥就是制作《歌剧魅影》音乐剧的安德鲁.洛伊.韦伯,兄弟两人合作过不少作品,两人在跨界音乐上的不设限,也创造了许多美好的音乐,朱利安.洛伊.韦伯自己就已经首演超过五十首大提琴新作,演奏上的诗意与多感,深深触动作曲家与乐迷的灵魂。 This is a compilation of pieces for cello by various composers of the Romantic period. The overall sound quality is rather average as for the most part those pieces were recorded in 1978 on analog equipment. Nevertheless Webber's performance is quite remarkable and provides the listener with a good relaxing atmosphere as expected. Julian Lloyd Webber is the second son of the composer William Lloyd Webber and is the younger brother of the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lloyd Webber was a scholar at University College School and at the Royal College of Music (London)[2] and completed his studies with Pierre Fournier in Geneva in 1973. He made his professional debut at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London in September 1972 when he gave the first London performance of the cello concerto by Sir Arthur Bliss.

The Romantic Cello

Julian Lloyd Webber · 1088438400007

少有古典音乐家可以又演奏又写文章,知名大提琴家朱利安.洛伊.韦伯就是这样的好手,除了在世界巡迴演奏之外,他每个月都为《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)撰写评论音乐和音乐家的专栏,字字珠璣,也让外界对於音乐家的论述能力有了另一番体悟。热衷扬发现代音乐的他,曾为五十首以上的大提琴作品举行世界首演,手持的是一六九零年由史特拉第瓦里家族的Barjansky所制的名贵古琴。 朱利安.洛伊.韦伯已被视为当代最具创造力的音乐家之一,他师事法国大提琴家傅尼叶,出道之后几乎是一炮而红,他与曼纽因合作的艾尔加〈大提琴协奏曲〉录音被视为有史以来最好的版本之一。而他的哥哥就是制作《歌剧魅影》音乐剧的安德鲁.洛伊.韦伯,兄弟两人合作过不少作品,两人在跨界音乐上的不设限,也创造了许多美好的音乐,朱利安.洛伊.韦伯自己就已经首演超过五十首大提琴新作,演奏上的诗意与多感,深深触动作曲家与乐迷的灵魂。 This is a compilation of pieces for cello by various composers of the Romantic period. The overall sound quality is rather average as for the most part those pieces were recorded in 1978 on analog equipment. Nevertheless Webber's performance is quite remarkable and provides the listener with a good relaxing atmosphere as expected. Julian Lloyd Webber is the second son of the composer William Lloyd Webber and is the younger brother of the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lloyd Webber was a scholar at University College School and at the Royal College of Music (London)[2] and completed his studies with Pierre Fournier in Geneva in 1973. He made his professional debut at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London in September 1972 when he gave the first London performance of the cello concerto by Sir Arthur Bliss.