The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime

The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime

《The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime 中东乌德琴:季夏之弦》收录于World Music Seeds(世界传统音乐种子库),包含世界音乐独立音乐人刘耳朵的7部乌德琴作品。 乌德琴(Oud)被称为“中东乐器之王”,是一种短颈琵琶型无品拨弦乐器,通常有11根弦,分为6组,但在不同地区也有不同形制的变体。“乌德”这个名字在阿拉伯语中有“木头”的意思(al'ud),而在波斯语中又有“弦”的意思(rūd)。乌德琴的起源尚未有定论,有理论认为其起源于一种可以追溯到公元前1世纪的波斯乐器“芭芭特(Barbat)”。在阿拉伯,直到10世纪甚至更晚,“芭芭特”和“乌德”的名称都经常混用,再之后才渐渐都更名为“乌德”。另外,芭芭特也可能是中国琵琶的起源。在8世纪和9世纪,很多来自伊斯兰世界的音乐家涌向西班牙的安达卢斯(当时西班牙的穆斯林统治区)。他们同时也将乌德琴与其制造技术带到欧洲,并影响了法国的吟游诗人,也促成了鲁特琴(Lute)的诞生,而鲁特琴又是吉他的前身。乌德琴在中亚、西亚的传统音乐中有举足轻重的地位,在北非也长期受到音乐家们的青睐。近年,乌德琴在欧洲和东南亚等地被越来越多人演奏,国内也开始出现演奏乌德琴的音乐家。 World Music Seeds(世界传统音乐种子库)由看见音乐发起,致力于保护和典藏全球音乐宝藏,在全球范围内更好的传播、传承传统音乐,实现传统音乐在数字时代的新生。其内容收录和传统音乐有关的声音和影像内容,涵盖世界各地、各民族和各文化传承的器乐、歌谣、戏剧、曲艺等多种样式的民间音乐与表演技艺。 “The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime” is included in World Music Seeds, featuring 7 oud compositions by the world music independent musician,Erdo Liu. The oud, often referred to as the "king of Middle Eastern instruments," is a short-necked, fretless lute-like string instrument, typically featuring 11 strings arranged in 6 courses. However, variations exist in different regions. The name "oud" derives from the Arabic word "al'ud," meaning "wood," while in Persian, the word "rūd" translates to "string." The origins of the oud remain a subject of debate, with some theories suggesting it evolved from the Persian instrument "barbat," which dates back to the 1st century BCE. In the Arab world, the terms "barbat" and "oud" were often used interchangeably until the 10th century, after which "oud" became the more commonly used name. Additionally, the barbat is believed to be the precursor to the Chinese pipa. During the 8th and 9th centuries, many musicians from the Islamic world migrated to Al-Andalus (Muslim-ruled Spain), bringing the oud and its craftsmanship to Europe. This influenced the French troubadours and led to the creation of the lute, which in turn is considered an ancestor of the guitar. The oud holds a significant place in the traditional music of Central and Western Asia and has long been favored by musicians in North Africa. In recent years, the oud has gained popularity in Europe and Southeast Asia, and musicians in China have also begun to take up the instrument. World Music Seeds, initiated by Kanjian Music, is committed to preserving and archiving musical treasures from around the world. It aims to better disseminate and inherit traditional music on a global scale, facilitating the rebirth of traditional music in the digital era. Its content includes audio and visual materials related to traditional music, covering various styles of folk music and performing arts, such as instrumental music, folk songs, dramas, and traditional performing arts from different regions, ethnicities, and cultures. 曲目简介 01 Birds Sing in Matinal Dreams鸟儿在清晨的梦里鸣叫 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这是一首松弛而朦胧的乐曲,描绘清晨的梦境与钻进梦中的鸟鸣。作为专辑的第一首曲目,它用古典吉他开场,引出乌德琴的演奏。旋律在大小调之间转换,营造一种半梦半醒的氛围。 02 Dance of Wandering Insects流浪的昆虫舞曲 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这是为昆虫而创作的一首较为诙谐的曲子。盛夏时节,昆虫最为活跃。爬行或者飞行,它们从一处流浪到另一处,唱着自己的歌,跳着自己的舞,在它们不算长久的生命里,纵情欢乐。 03 Like the Wind That Day像那天的风 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这首曲子的主旋律不是非常明确,有一些即兴演奏的成分,表达出某种在似曾相识的情境中突然涌现的情感。当一阵风夹杂着回忆吹过,你是否会想起曾经的某一天。 04 Sparrows Are Chatting on the Fence麻雀在栅栏上闲聊 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这也是一首比较诙谐的曲子。夏天的麻雀喜欢在草地上跳来跳去捉虫子吃,吃饱了便停在栅栏上,一只一只排列着喳喳叫,它们在聊些什么呢? 05 In the Shade of A Tree他在树下乘凉 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 夏天是植物和昆虫最活跃的时候,人却会感到酷热难耐。最好是能找一个阴凉处,看着万物茂盛的景象悠闲地发发呆。这首曲子描绘的便是这样一种轻松的感受。 06 Thoughts Drift Through the Afternoon思绪飘过午后 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这也是一首有些即兴成分的曲子,想到哪里旋律就走到哪里,就像放松时随意流淌的思绪,有一些模糊的记忆、情感飘来,很快又消逝了。 07 Shadow of the Cloud Brushes the Hill云的影子拂过山坡 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 作为专辑的结尾,这首曲子回到最初朦胧、半梦半醒的氛围中。云的影子一次又一次拂过山坡,带着一些思念,夏天即将过去。

The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime

刘耳朵 · 1723651200000

《The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime 中东乌德琴:季夏之弦》收录于World Music Seeds(世界传统音乐种子库),包含世界音乐独立音乐人刘耳朵的7部乌德琴作品。 乌德琴(Oud)被称为“中东乐器之王”,是一种短颈琵琶型无品拨弦乐器,通常有11根弦,分为6组,但在不同地区也有不同形制的变体。“乌德”这个名字在阿拉伯语中有“木头”的意思(al'ud),而在波斯语中又有“弦”的意思(rūd)。乌德琴的起源尚未有定论,有理论认为其起源于一种可以追溯到公元前1世纪的波斯乐器“芭芭特(Barbat)”。在阿拉伯,直到10世纪甚至更晚,“芭芭特”和“乌德”的名称都经常混用,再之后才渐渐都更名为“乌德”。另外,芭芭特也可能是中国琵琶的起源。在8世纪和9世纪,很多来自伊斯兰世界的音乐家涌向西班牙的安达卢斯(当时西班牙的穆斯林统治区)。他们同时也将乌德琴与其制造技术带到欧洲,并影响了法国的吟游诗人,也促成了鲁特琴(Lute)的诞生,而鲁特琴又是吉他的前身。乌德琴在中亚、西亚的传统音乐中有举足轻重的地位,在北非也长期受到音乐家们的青睐。近年,乌德琴在欧洲和东南亚等地被越来越多人演奏,国内也开始出现演奏乌德琴的音乐家。 World Music Seeds(世界传统音乐种子库)由看见音乐发起,致力于保护和典藏全球音乐宝藏,在全球范围内更好的传播、传承传统音乐,实现传统音乐在数字时代的新生。其内容收录和传统音乐有关的声音和影像内容,涵盖世界各地、各民族和各文化传承的器乐、歌谣、戏剧、曲艺等多种样式的民间音乐与表演技艺。 “The Oud: Strings of Late Summertime” is included in World Music Seeds, featuring 7 oud compositions by the world music independent musician,Erdo Liu. The oud, often referred to as the "king of Middle Eastern instruments," is a short-necked, fretless lute-like string instrument, typically featuring 11 strings arranged in 6 courses. However, variations exist in different regions. The name "oud" derives from the Arabic word "al'ud," meaning "wood," while in Persian, the word "rūd" translates to "string." The origins of the oud remain a subject of debate, with some theories suggesting it evolved from the Persian instrument "barbat," which dates back to the 1st century BCE. In the Arab world, the terms "barbat" and "oud" were often used interchangeably until the 10th century, after which "oud" became the more commonly used name. Additionally, the barbat is believed to be the precursor to the Chinese pipa. During the 8th and 9th centuries, many musicians from the Islamic world migrated to Al-Andalus (Muslim-ruled Spain), bringing the oud and its craftsmanship to Europe. This influenced the French troubadours and led to the creation of the lute, which in turn is considered an ancestor of the guitar. The oud holds a significant place in the traditional music of Central and Western Asia and has long been favored by musicians in North Africa. In recent years, the oud has gained popularity in Europe and Southeast Asia, and musicians in China have also begun to take up the instrument. World Music Seeds, initiated by Kanjian Music, is committed to preserving and archiving musical treasures from around the world. It aims to better disseminate and inherit traditional music on a global scale, facilitating the rebirth of traditional music in the digital era. Its content includes audio and visual materials related to traditional music, covering various styles of folk music and performing arts, such as instrumental music, folk songs, dramas, and traditional performing arts from different regions, ethnicities, and cultures. 曲目简介 01 Birds Sing in Matinal Dreams鸟儿在清晨的梦里鸣叫 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这是一首松弛而朦胧的乐曲,描绘清晨的梦境与钻进梦中的鸟鸣。作为专辑的第一首曲目,它用古典吉他开场,引出乌德琴的演奏。旋律在大小调之间转换,营造一种半梦半醒的氛围。 02 Dance of Wandering Insects流浪的昆虫舞曲 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这是为昆虫而创作的一首较为诙谐的曲子。盛夏时节,昆虫最为活跃。爬行或者飞行,它们从一处流浪到另一处,唱着自己的歌,跳着自己的舞,在它们不算长久的生命里,纵情欢乐。 03 Like the Wind That Day像那天的风 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这首曲子的主旋律不是非常明确,有一些即兴演奏的成分,表达出某种在似曾相识的情境中突然涌现的情感。当一阵风夹杂着回忆吹过,你是否会想起曾经的某一天。 04 Sparrows Are Chatting on the Fence麻雀在栅栏上闲聊 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这也是一首比较诙谐的曲子。夏天的麻雀喜欢在草地上跳来跳去捉虫子吃,吃饱了便停在栅栏上,一只一只排列着喳喳叫,它们在聊些什么呢? 05 In the Shade of A Tree他在树下乘凉 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 夏天是植物和昆虫最活跃的时候,人却会感到酷热难耐。最好是能找一个阴凉处,看着万物茂盛的景象悠闲地发发呆。这首曲子描绘的便是这样一种轻松的感受。 06 Thoughts Drift Through the Afternoon思绪飘过午后 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 这也是一首有些即兴成分的曲子,想到哪里旋律就走到哪里,就像放松时随意流淌的思绪,有一些模糊的记忆、情感飘来,很快又消逝了。 07 Shadow of the Cloud Brushes the Hill云的影子拂过山坡 演奏:刘耳朵 ;作曲:刘耳朵 作为专辑的结尾,这首曲子回到最初朦胧、半梦半醒的氛围中。云的影子一次又一次拂过山坡,带着一些思念,夏天即将过去。
