The Marvellous World of George Dreyfus, Volume 1

The Marvellous World of George Dreyfus, Volume 1

Marvellous music by the well-known Australian composer George Dreyfus, one of Australia's most animated musical personalities. Includes 'Tender Mercies', 'Larino Safe Haven', 'German Teddy – Symphony for Mandolin Orchestra', 'Auscapes', 'Sebastian the Fox' and 'There is Something of Don Quixote in All of Us' performed by consummate guitarist, Jochen Schubert.

The Marvellous World of George Dreyfus, Volume 1

George Dreyfus · 707760000000

Marvellous music by the well-known Australian composer George Dreyfus, one of Australia's most animated musical personalities. Includes 'Tender Mercies', 'Larino Safe Haven', 'German Teddy – Symphony for Mandolin Orchestra', 'Auscapes', 'Sebastian the Fox' and 'There is Something of Don Quixote in All of Us' performed by consummate guitarist, Jochen Schubert.