TWO TONE BOSS 译为 “双子星老板” 是国内音乐厂牌 YTH MONEY GANG的JiaJiaflexin和PokerDamage合作的一首单曲 大意为: 两位少年背井离乡来到其他城市打拼 怀揣着梦想白手起家 目标成为‘双子星老板“ 从默默无闻到万众瞩目 在这条路上要放弃什么 又会获得什么 无人知晓 TWO TONE BOSS TRANSLATED AS "GAIRY BOSS" It is a single collaboration between JiaJiaflexin and PokerDamage of the domestic music label YTH MONEY GANG. The effect is: The two teenagers left their homes and came to other cities to work hard. They started from scratch with their dreams. Their goal was to become the 'Gemini bosses. From obscurity to public attention, no one knows what they will give up on this road and what they will get.
YTH PokerDamage的其他专辑
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