The turning point is often the moment just after your lowest you’ve been. Rock bottom can be exactly what you need in order to begin pulling yourself upwards towards the light again. Silence and emptiness populate this place, echoes of things you “should’ve done” or places you “could’ve gone” line the endless caverns. You’re not frightened, because you realize it’s just you and you aren’t really who you think you are. Your ego is the prison guard not wanting you to clock the keys on the wall next to you. But your awareness doesn’t allow you to overlook it and you soon unlock your own door and walk free. “Storm” is this place we all hit before we make a change. It’s hollow and deep - a place most of us have been before and hope to not return to. But even inside this dark place are remnants of light - outlined by the vibraphone. Heads up, everything is okay.
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