While touring Europe in autumn 2017, Minami Saeki (voice), Wakana Ikeda (flute), Yoko Ikeda (viola), and Taku Sugimoto (guitar) visited Switzerland and joined up with Swiss composer/musicians Stefan Thut and Manfred Werder. This CD contains five pieces they performed in a recording session (without audience) at the concert venue Theater Delly in Solothurn, Switzerland, on October 9, 2017. Thut played cello, and Werder used glockenspiel and typewriter. Each of the five musicians other than Saeki provided a composition of his or her own, and the five pieces were performed by all six. While Sugimoto's composition is just a minute and a half long, each of the Ikedas' respective compositions is 14 minutes, and those by Thut and Werder are over 20 minutes each. All the compositions call for effectively controlled, minimalistic playing. Maintaining a high level of concentration, the six musicians gave sensitively synchronized, truly superb ensemble performances. 2017年秋、欧州ツアー中の佐伯美波 (ヴォイス)、池田若菜 (フルート)、池田陽子 (ヴィオラ)、杉本拓 (ギター) がスイスを訪れ、当地の作曲家 / 演奏家の Stefan Thut と Manfred Werder と合流。本CDには、2017年10月9日、彼らがスイス、ゾロトゥルン (Solothurn) にあるコンサート会場 "Theater Delly" で、客を入れずに演奏した5曲を収録。Stefan Thut はチェロ、Manfred Werder はグロッケンシュピールとタイプライターを楽器として使用。佐伯を除く5人が自作曲をそれぞれ1曲用意し、それら5曲を6人全員で演奏した。杉本の曲は1分半と短いが、ふたりの池田の曲はともに14分。一方、Thut と Werder の曲はどちらも20分を超える。いずれの曲においても抑制の効いたミニマルな演奏を要求されるが、6人は高い集中力を維持しながら、息の合った絶妙なアンサンブルを披露している。 Composed by Wakana Ikeda (1), Yoko Ikeda (2), Taku Sugimoto (3), Manfred Werder (4), and Stefan Thut (5) Minami Saeki: voice Wakana Ikeda: flute Yoko Ikeda: viola Taku Sugimoto: guitar Stefan Thut: cello Manfred Werder: glockenspiel, typewriter Recorded at Theater Delly, Solothurn, Switzerland, October 9, 2017 Mastered by Stefan Thut and Hiroyuki Ura Artwork by Taku Sugimoto Design by Cathy Fishman