联合 Michelen米其林 & WOOSH! 两位成员,RED8红八以全新单曲《Serious》收官2021,并为你带来些不一样的音乐视角。 人际关系, 职业发展 & 人生选择,一直以来都是每个人无法避免面对的情境。随着 WOOSH! 刚刚进入大学校园,以及Michelen米其林新近毕业,他们将体会到来自生活的更多挑战。 与其被成长道路上的枯燥琐事所压迫,Michelen米其林和WOOSH! 在《Serious》中建议你用全新的方式回应 —— 开辟自己的道路,而不是被‘选择’牵着鼻子走,向生活发问 “为什么要那么严肃呢?(Why you always be so serious?) ” Wrapping up 2021 on a high note, Red8 links up Michelen米其林 & latest member to the family, WOOSH! for a little something that needs to be heard. Relationships, day-jobs and life choices have always been the topic of discussion of many. With Michelen米其林 having recently graduated college and WOOSH! just starting, they're no strangers to these thoughts. In response to lifes heavy hearted to-do list, Michelen米其林 & WOOSH! want you to look at things from a different perspective - follow your own path instead of others', whilst asking "why you always be so serious?"
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- CHILAYGUN 痴脷筋音樂 , OneFive徐梓浩 , LAMZz , VibeBoy CHUK , Neo王中祐 , Lil Jeremy , Hugo , CHECKYHON , FIRE BLOOD , Daisy-J , 何俊彦 , Michelen米其林 , KT 唐嘉麟
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