Senhora das Flores

Senhora das Flores

I've been singing traditional songs for most of my life about the Holly women of our musical oral tradition: "Senhora do Leite", "Senhora da Azenha", "Virgem da Consolação"; "Senhora do almortão", Senhora do Bom Sucesso" and many others. These local saints and ancient deities are part of popular religiosity and are a source of comfort and healing for those who evoke them. I can say that my scepticism or cynicism has been invaded by a great deal of magic when singing the "ladies". That's why I wanted to write about my search. The search for my lady, for my faith, trying to understand where my cure lies. I also wanted to show that women have always been seen by society through a religious matrix, even if we don't consciously know it. This matrix has made us see women as either virgins or Magdalenes, either pure or true manipulative salomes. But I want to believe that it is possible to open our eyes and see what lies between these two poles.

Senhora das Flores

A Cantadeira · 1709827200000

I've been singing traditional songs for most of my life about the Holly women of our musical oral tradition: "Senhora do Leite", "Senhora da Azenha", "Virgem da Consolação"; "Senhora do almortão", Senhora do Bom Sucesso" and many others. These local saints and ancient deities are part of popular religiosity and are a source of comfort and healing for those who evoke them. I can say that my scepticism or cynicism has been invaded by a great deal of magic when singing the "ladies". That's why I wanted to write about my search. The search for my lady, for my faith, trying to understand where my cure lies. I also wanted to show that women have always been seen by society through a religious matrix, even if we don't consciously know it. This matrix has made us see women as either virgins or Magdalenes, either pure or true manipulative salomes. But I want to believe that it is possible to open our eyes and see what lies between these two poles.


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