Ride The Lightning

Ride The Lightning

★重金属唯一天王级乐团,延续传奇之作【Kill `Em All】之经典专辑 ★全美突破600万张惊人销量 5张冠军专辑、8座葛莱美奖、20首告示牌上榜单曲、全球超过1亿2000万张专辑销售,滚石杂志Rolling Stone票选「史上最佳百大乐团」,他们正是整个金属界唯一有资格受到千万人所膜拜跟随的金属製品合唱团Metallica。 1983年的首张专辑【杀无赦Kill `Em All】取得了巨大的成功后,仅仅过了一年,Metallica就靠著无穷无尽的创作能量、响彻云霄的凶猛吉他riff、强劲有力且撼动人心的鼓点,创作出他们更上一层楼的经典续作【风驰电掣Ride the Lightning】,同时,请来了如今已是金属界传奇人物的製作人Flemming Rasmussen操刀整张专辑。【Ride the Lightning】靠著多首生猛有力的经典歌曲,在全美卖出超过600万张专辑销售,取得了RIAA唱片工业协会六白金认证,并接连于Allmusic、Pitchfork、The Guardian、Sputnikmusic等权威音乐评鑑拿下满分,Q杂志与滚石杂志也给予了逼近满分的四星评价,这代表了Metallica再次突破自我,攀向超越所有人的全新高峰。 【Ride the Lightning】中,长达6分36秒的同名歌曲"Ride The Lightning",展现了所有人高超的演奏实力,各项乐器的独奏让他们的创作傲视群雄;至今不断被各方人马选用,且出现在许多盛大场和的世界名曲"For Whom the Bell Tolls",成为了Metallica招牌曲目之一;被当今许多乐团不断翻唱与致敬的"Fade to Black",展现出乐团再造经典的实力;纯乐器演奏、长达8分53秒的"The Call of Ktulu",彰显出每一位团员皆拥有名人堂等级的演奏技巧;同时,2016数位重新修复盘加收了1989年西雅图经典演唱会两首曲目,"For Whom the Bell Tolls"以及"Creeping Death"。如果说【Kill `Em All】是金属製品的出道成名作,那麽【Ride the Lightning】就是延续传奇的登峰之作。 Ride the Lightning is the second studio album by American heavy metal band Metallica, released on July 27, 1984, by the independent record label Megaforce Records. The album was recorded in three weeks with producer Flemming Rasmussen at the Sweet Silence Studios in Copenhagen, Denmark. The artwork, based on a concept by the band, depicts an electric chair being struck by lightning flowing from the band logo. The title was taken from a passage in Stephen King's novel The Stand. Although rooted in the thrash metal genre, the album showcased the band's musical growth and lyrical sophistication. This was partly because bassist Cliff Burton introduced the basics of music theory to the rest of the band and had more input in the songwriting. Instead of relying strictly on fast tempos as on its debut Kill 'Em All, Metallica broadened its approach by employing acoustic guitars, extended instrumentals, and more complex harmonies. The overall recording costs were paid by Metallica's European label Music for Nations because Megaforce was unable to cover it. It was the last album to feature songwriting contributions from former lead guitarist Dave Mustaine, and the first to feature contributions from his replacement, Kirk Hammett. Ride the Lightning received positive response from music critics, who saw it as a more ambitious effort than its predecessor. Metallica promoted the album on the Bang That Head That Doesn't Bang European tour in late 1984, and on its North American leg in the first half of 1985. The band performed at major music festivals such as Monsters of Rock and Day on the Green later that year. Two months after its release, Elektra Records signed Metallica to a multi-year deal and reissued the album. Ride the Lightning peaked at number 100 on the Billboard 200 with no radio exposure. Although 75,000 copies were initially pressed for the American market, the album sold half a million by November 1987. It was certified 6× platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 2012 for shipping six million copies in the United States. Many rock publications have ranked Ride the Lightning on their best album lists, saying it had a lasting impact on the genre.

Ride The Lightning

Metallica · 459705600000

★重金属唯一天王级乐团,延续传奇之作【Kill `Em All】之经典专辑 ★全美突破600万张惊人销量 5张冠军专辑、8座葛莱美奖、20首告示牌上榜单曲、全球超过1亿2000万张专辑销售,滚石杂志Rolling Stone票选「史上最佳百大乐团」,他们正是整个金属界唯一有资格受到千万人所膜拜跟随的金属製品合唱团Metallica。 1983年的首张专辑【杀无赦Kill `Em All】取得了巨大的成功后,仅仅过了一年,Metallica就靠著无穷无尽的创作能量、响彻云霄的凶猛吉他riff、强劲有力且撼动人心的鼓点,创作出他们更上一层楼的经典续作【风驰电掣Ride the Lightning】,同时,请来了如今已是金属界传奇人物的製作人Flemming Rasmussen操刀整张专辑。【Ride the Lightning】靠著多首生猛有力的经典歌曲,在全美卖出超过600万张专辑销售,取得了RIAA唱片工业协会六白金认证,并接连于Allmusic、Pitchfork、The Guardian、Sputnikmusic等权威音乐评鑑拿下满分,Q杂志与滚石杂志也给予了逼近满分的四星评价,这代表了Metallica再次突破自我,攀向超越所有人的全新高峰。 【Ride the Lightning】中,长达6分36秒的同名歌曲"Ride The Lightning",展现了所有人高超的演奏实力,各项乐器的独奏让他们的创作傲视群雄;至今不断被各方人马选用,且出现在许多盛大场和的世界名曲"For Whom the Bell Tolls",成为了Metallica招牌曲目之一;被当今许多乐团不断翻唱与致敬的"Fade to Black",展现出乐团再造经典的实力;纯乐器演奏、长达8分53秒的"The Call of Ktulu",彰显出每一位团员皆拥有名人堂等级的演奏技巧;同时,2016数位重新修复盘加收了1989年西雅图经典演唱会两首曲目,"For Whom the Bell Tolls"以及"Creeping Death"。如果说【Kill `Em All】是金属製品的出道成名作,那麽【Ride the Lightning】就是延续传奇的登峰之作。 Ride the Lightning is the second studio album by American heavy metal band Metallica, released on July 27, 1984, by the independent record label Megaforce Records. The album was recorded in three weeks with producer Flemming Rasmussen at the Sweet Silence Studios in Copenhagen, Denmark. The artwork, based on a concept by the band, depicts an electric chair being struck by lightning flowing from the band logo. The title was taken from a passage in Stephen King's novel The Stand. Although rooted in the thrash metal genre, the album showcased the band's musical growth and lyrical sophistication. This was partly because bassist Cliff Burton introduced the basics of music theory to the rest of the band and had more input in the songwriting. Instead of relying strictly on fast tempos as on its debut Kill 'Em All, Metallica broadened its approach by employing acoustic guitars, extended instrumentals, and more complex harmonies. The overall recording costs were paid by Metallica's European label Music for Nations because Megaforce was unable to cover it. It was the last album to feature songwriting contributions from former lead guitarist Dave Mustaine, and the first to feature contributions from his replacement, Kirk Hammett. Ride the Lightning received positive response from music critics, who saw it as a more ambitious effort than its predecessor. Metallica promoted the album on the Bang That Head That Doesn't Bang European tour in late 1984, and on its North American leg in the first half of 1985. The band performed at major music festivals such as Monsters of Rock and Day on the Green later that year. Two months after its release, Elektra Records signed Metallica to a multi-year deal and reissued the album. Ride the Lightning peaked at number 100 on the Billboard 200 with no radio exposure. Although 75,000 copies were initially pressed for the American market, the album sold half a million by November 1987. It was certified 6× platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 2012 for shipping six million copies in the United States. Many rock publications have ranked Ride the Lightning on their best album lists, saying it had a lasting impact on the genre.