■ 음반소개 Reminder’ is Korean singer-songwriter Heesu Yu’s third single. Her newest release is a bubbly, synth-heavy, fusion of Electropop and Alternative R&B. Yu loves to experiment with different sounds and this song combines Yu’s warm vocals with colorful textures and light, bouncy instrumentation. While musically the track is very upbeat and bright the lyrics, in contrast, express Yu’s frustration with her friends for reminding her of her ex and all they’ve been through. She wrote the track to communicate how she felt tired every time she had to explain her relationship’s backstory to each of her friends. While she knew they were there to support her and help her move forward, repetitively retelling the story of her past relationship to her friends was like a phone notification reminding her of the past. 이별후 혼자 있고 싶은데 주변사람들이 휴대폰 알람처럼 끊임없이 옆에서 무슨일이 있었냐고 물어볼때. 다양한 사운드를 시도하는것을 좋아하는 알앤비 싱어송라이터 유희수의 3번째 싱글 Reminder’ 는 톡톡튀는 신디사이저 사운드와 따뜻한 저음 목소리톤과 다채로운 텍스쳐가 잘 어우러진 곡이다. 노래 분위기가 흥겹고 밝은 반면, 아이러니하게도 가사속 내용은 이미 헤어진 연인에 대해 물어보는 친구들에게 뒷 이야기를 반복적으로 설명을 해야 할 때마다 얼마나 지치는지 이 곡을 통해서 표현하고 싶었다. ■크레딧 Composed by: 유희수 Lyrics by: 유희수, Nathen Gong Arranged by: 유희수, Mark Kraus Produced by: Mark Kraus Mixed by: Mark Kraus Mastered by: Hedi Wang Artwork by 유희수 [Keep drowning] Produced by JSONG Mixed by Cuetrek [Tied To Your Love] Produced by bAd entity Mixed by bAd entity [Reminder] Produced by Mark Kraus Mixed by Mark Kraus Mastered by Heidi Wang
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