Imagine when light flows like water. Based on Shirley Guo's (a.k.a. Shirfine) exclusive creative theory of utilizing optics to create art, the experimental music video "Re-" shows a magic universe of infinity exploring the possibilities of a mirrored world. The film premiered at the 24th Brooklyn Film Festival on June 7, 2021. 想象一下,当光如水一般流动。 《Re-》是Shirley Guo (Shirfine) 的首部独立实验艺术短片,基于她运用光学原理作为创作基础而发展出的独创艺术形式——项目《Haze》。与作曲家Yixin Huang (黄逸歆) 合作,以“涅槃”和“镜像”延伸至“无尽”为概念基础,《Re-》探索着这个镜像世界的各种可能性。短片于2021年6月7日首映于第24届布鲁克林电影节。 Music Department: Cello: Zexun Shen Violin: Junheng Chen Flute & Clarinet: Josh Plotner Music recorded by: Yixin Huang Mixing Engineer: Maurizio Borgna Music Mastered by: Feldermelder
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