The relationship between a species seen in field research as a function of their observed abundance is described by the relative abundance distribution (RAD). This ecological law states that every community has a hollow curve or hyperbolic form on a histogram with a large number of unique species and a small number of common species. Also known as the hollow curve, the classic hyperbolic J-curve, is created by plotting each species' proportion on the y-axis against its abundance on the arithmetic x-axis. 实地研究中发现的物种之间的关系作为其观测到的丰度的函数,通过相对丰度分布 (RAD) 来描述。 这一生态规律指出,每个群落在直方图上都有一个空心曲线或双曲线形式,其中有大量的独特物种和少量的常见物种。 也称为空心曲线,经典的双曲 J 曲线,是通过在 y 轴上绘制每个物种的比例相对于算术 x 轴上的丰度来创建的。
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