In memory of our dearest friend, Dino (1976~2022) 臺灣1990年代噪音代表人物。他的創作標識著1990年代後半期臺北噪音運動在技術上走向純類比電子,在內涵上建立獨立美學之里程碑。Dino的電子音響來自於極其簡單的類比器材,不使用合成器、取樣機和其他音源機,而是利用線路雜音、靜電或麥克風回饋建立迴圈迴路,創造其獨樹一幟的音樂。Dino曾於北京迷笛音樂節、倫敦Café OTO、台北數位藝術節等各大音樂節演出,並曾參與實驗電影和小劇場現場配樂製作,曾獲臺北電影節最佳音效獎。Dino對於英倫龐克文化及中國古典文化研究著力甚深,這些影響當可見於其作品之中。 該發行中我們選取了Dino參與戶外游擊演出Outer Pulsation的中後期錄音,活動地點從主要舉辦最開始的地下道,擴張至天橋 (#8、#15、#16、#18、#19),形式上也從原本的全獨奏演出變成了不定期與不同領域的樂手即興合作。除了Dino精湛的演出外,每個地點中不同的殘響、頻率響應與豐富的環境音也與其融合一體。 Dino is a sound artist and a guqin maker based in Taipei. He is a seminal figure in the second wave of the noise movement in Taiwan during the late-1990s. He uses simple analogue equipment to create electronic sound with no input, which is known as ‘recycle music’, by generating loops from circuitry noise, static, or microphone feedback. In recent years, Dino participates in experimental films and live music production for the theatre. He was awarded Best Sound Effects in Taipei Film Festival (2003). In this release, we select 7 of Dino's solo and sessions live recording in a series outdoor guerrilla gig in Taipei, Outer Pulsation. ps. All the income from physical tape will be donate to CCFROC (Childhood Cancer Foundation of R.O.C) under Dino's name. For digital download, please enter "0". The reason I set this as NYP is just bandcamp app will not showing free download releases. If you really love this release and like to support it, please donate your money to your local cancer foundations or anyone you think needs help in the world. Recording by Jyun-Ao Caesar Mastering by Chia-Chun Xu Cover Photo by Lica Layout by Chia-Chun Xu