Let’s take it back/ to the foundation in eternity past/ how he purchased a foul nation and made em servants in tact with his sovereign purpose/ ensured that the wicked serpent would act in accordance with his predetermined plan/ no circling back/ nah Some call it prejudiced/ stepping to certain residents/ debt was above an estimate/ settling all their deficits/ let’s think about it/ looking back to long before man/ pressed between the testaments/ said this was planned before hand Seen in Jesus/ decreed the means that he’d meet in death/ read and see his eloquent development whenever you trace his steps/ it was late in...life/ when I came to love those flowers/ smell those tulips the foolish reject/ neglecting power His plan/ it won’t be undone/ no matter how much you run/ cuz from beginning to end/ already set the outcome/ don’t need to sit in the dark/ when you can rest in the son/ because this here is soteriology 101 From all eternity/ by your good and perfect will you decreed it all/ You sovereignly ordained the worshipful purpose to bring us all Into your presence and this salvation/ how you elected a bride of many nations/ you knew us well from before the foundation/ what do we call this?/ predestination We know this biblical doctrine is taught in scripture/ I’ll point it out in references and I’ll read em with ya/ in love He predestined us to adoption as His sons/ no other options when you stop and read Ephesians chapter 1/ check it Election was the foundation of the Old Testament/ chose Israel as His people/ though feeble and an impediment/ cuz they would disobey/ but they ain’t thwart His purpose/ the Kingly seed of David made sure that they’d all be purchased And though the prophets often brought news of devastation/ Romans 9 to 11 explains their restoration/ while it further unfolds in the book of Revelation/ chapter 20/ no more Satan/ Israel serving as a nation Just as He’s faithful to them/ now He’s faithful to us/ He’s granting faith to His people/ that’s what leads em to trust/ in the promise in Genesis/ that the serpent’d be crushed/ its all part of soteriology 101 From all eternity/ by your good and perfect will you decreed it all/ You sovereignly ordained the worshipful purpose to bring us all Into your presence and this salvation/ how you elected a bride of many nations/ you knew us well from before the foundation/ what do we call this?/ predestination Our hope is built on nothing less/ than Jesus blood and righteousness/ We dare not trust the sweetest frame/ but wholly lean on Jesus name/ his oath, his covenant, his blood/ supports us in the whelming flood/ and when He comes with trumpet sound/ we know in Him we will be found
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