PSALM 4 NEO : 새로운 세대를 위한 시편 혼돈하고 공허하며 흑암이 깊음위에 있는 누군가들을 위해 찐득하게 달라붙어있는 어두움과 슬픔과 죽음을 애써 외면한 채 살아가는 누군가들을 위해 그들을 위해 함께 울부짖는 존재가 되기 위해 PSALM 4 NEO: Psalms for a New Generation For those who were formless and empty, darkness lies in the depths. For those who were trying to ignore the darkness, grief, and death that attaches so tightly. To be the one who cries out with them. Produced, Composed, Lyrics, Arranged, Recorded, Mixed by UZA Mastered by bk! at AB Room Artwork, Video by UZA, Laura Gabrielle Oh Executive Producer : Minji Kang (Minki Babaji) from Latchister Distribution : Sound Republica
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