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Jerry Teel的其他专辑
- Masterwerk , Hans Bolex , THWP , Lennart Brugman , Talking To Sophie , Homemadesoul , Michael Nickolas , Wicked Ear Candy , Jenny Wood , Patricia Lomako , David Scance , Soundroad , Jifington , Ed Napoli , CJ Soul , Jerry Teel , Pollinationx , The Brothers Burn , Daniel's Window , Bixley , The Impeckables , Arpad Zsolt Domahidi , Andrew Rothstein , Suchitra Lata
- Nashville Session Players , Michael Panasuk , Andy L , Y Aharon Konsman , RAW Boswin and the Gonnabees , Craig Rempel , Dan Robinson , Music Candy , After In Paris , KGMP Music Machine , Robb Spencer , Doug Michael , E. Rudd Young , Ideascapes Music , Lochlainn Seabrook , Terrill Blankley , Richie Milton , Jonathan Geer , Paul Reece , Scott Kern , Matt Frazier , Jerry Teel
- Lydia Lunch , Barry Adamson , Khan , Knoxville Girls , Robin Guthrie , Marcia Schofield , Steve Young , Die Haut , Congo Norvell , Botanica , Abby Travis , Patricia Morrison , The Fur Bible , Bob Bert , Jerry Teel , Jack martin , Barry London , Jim Sclavunos , Sally Norvell , Thomas Wydler , Kid Congo Powers