Pacific Northwest pianist Elizabeth Naccarato shares the tasteful pop/jazz/classical inclinations of artists such as Jim Brickman and Liz Story, as well as Michael Gettel, who is her producer, arranger, mentor, and husband. That's good company to be in, and Naccarato makes an admirable accounting for her talents on the reflective, elegantly performed North Sycamore, her second recording. Named for a street in West Los Angeles where she spent an early stage of her career, North Sycamore reveals Naccarato to be an artist who can play from the heart while not abandoning her intellectual moorings. Though a few too many notes clutter a couple of pieces ("The Rosary," "Off Melrose"), her work is characterized by a subtle melodic flair and a inviting, soft-as-snow touch at the keys (reminiscent of Gettel's) that encourages repeated listenings. Understated accompaniment adorns a number of selections, including Nancy Rumbel on oboe ("Cradle Song," a gem) and Richard Warner on sax. Attractive listening. --Terry Wood 流转空灵、入耳即化的新世纪钢琴 南加州大学钢琴硕士、十座美国州际与国际音乐节首奖 如果你的心灵,也渴望这样的温柔摆荡…… 美丽与智慧兼并的钢琴师伊丽莎白,顶着南加州大学钢琴硕士的头衔,拿过十座美国州际与国际音乐节首奖,她是名钢琴师Daniel Pollack以及John Perry口中那位「舞台上永远的维纳斯」,精湛的琴艺加上姣好的外型,使她半生都活在聚光灯与掌声之中。然而,即使不在演奏的舞台上,她的创作才华同样活跃洋溢,她是洛杉矶音乐中心Lehman Engel作曲人协会的成员,她为音乐剧作曲,也为新世纪音乐编曲,不论台上或台下,伊丽莎白俨然是音乐界里才貌双全的完美女人。 伊丽莎白的钢琴,流露出女人的细腻与善解人意,运指力道纤柔婉转,更在每一处艰涩乐句中展现她毫不迟疑的自信。她创作的旋律曲风脱俗,音乐意境深刻直达心灵,本专辑让演奏情感丰富的伊丽莎白过足了瘾,每一分爱、恨、嗔、羞的情绪,处理得清淡优雅,处处呈现粉红色般的惊喜。难能可贵的是她不染匠气的稳健架势,让每一首乐曲听来,都宛如秋天风里的秋千一般悠悠摆荡,那样轻易地就把你荡进深深的回忆里。 专辑曲目 01 The Rosary 玫瑰经 每个女人心中,都有一方纯纯净土,等着有人来一窥究竟. 02 Midnight Walk 午夜漫步 都会的夜晚比白天更美,被夜空染成粉紫色的心,有粉色的心跳. 03 Off Melrose 远离'梅尔罗斯' 和旧情人走过的每个地方,越想遗忘,就越往回忆里纠缠. 04 Nowhere Cafe 虚拟咖啡屋 当受到他的第四百七十三封电子邮件,你惊觉爱上素未谋面的他. 05 My Ship 航 从这里到那里,从那里又将去哪里......女人永远有男人没有的直觉. 06 Open Windows 开窗 开窗是因为等待爱情来临,也是为了依依不舍的送行. 07 North Sycamore 西克莫的无花果 有一种爱情,总在无缘经历花开灿烂的时候,就注定了结果. 08 Cradle Song 摇篮曲 女人的怀抱,是上帝为人类预备最舒适的睡床. 09 Bountiful 付出 当付出不再沦为论斤说两的买卖,爱便有的生机. 10 Unspoken 欲言又止 就是这份稍纵即逝的羞怯,才让初恋变得甜美. 11 Commencement 回到最初 善于保存回忆的人,拥有快乐无数的权利.
Elizabeth Naccarato的其他专辑
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