Need To Be Saved

Need To Be Saved

2023年10月4号晚,房间里除我之外依旧空无一人,我像往常一样刷着手机打发时间,心情就像当晚我不曾注意的天空一样遍布阴云。在手机电量被短视频耗完并黑屏的那一瞬间,前所未有的空虚感和孤独感涌上我的心头并淹没了我的全身,做音乐三年来遇到的所有糟糕的事情一下子占据了我的全部记忆。而就在这一刻,一道闪电瞬间将天空劈成两半,照亮了原本昏暗的房间,密集的雨点伴随着巨大的雷声笼罩了整座城市,盘旋在我脑海里的阴郁在一瞬间就到达了极点。这时我知道,这首歌要诞生了。 On the evening of October 4th, 2023, there's no one but me in the room as usual. I was surfing on the internet aimlessly to kill time. My mood was as dark as the sky that I didn't notice at that time. When the battery eventually died by short videos, a sense of emptiness and loneliness that I have never experienced before welled up in my heart and overwhelmed my whole body. All the shitty things I've met in the past three years suddenly occupied my memory. Exactly at this moment, a flash of lightning split the whole sky in half, lighting up my darkest room. Intense fall accompanied by terrifying thunder enveloped the entire town. Right at this moment, I realized, this song was about to be born.

Need To Be Saved

POCKIEEE 21 · 1698076800000

2023年10月4号晚,房间里除我之外依旧空无一人,我像往常一样刷着手机打发时间,心情就像当晚我不曾注意的天空一样遍布阴云。在手机电量被短视频耗完并黑屏的那一瞬间,前所未有的空虚感和孤独感涌上我的心头并淹没了我的全身,做音乐三年来遇到的所有糟糕的事情一下子占据了我的全部记忆。而就在这一刻,一道闪电瞬间将天空劈成两半,照亮了原本昏暗的房间,密集的雨点伴随着巨大的雷声笼罩了整座城市,盘旋在我脑海里的阴郁在一瞬间就到达了极点。这时我知道,这首歌要诞生了。 On the evening of October 4th, 2023, there's no one but me in the room as usual. I was surfing on the internet aimlessly to kill time. My mood was as dark as the sky that I didn't notice at that time. When the battery eventually died by short videos, a sense of emptiness and loneliness that I have never experienced before welled up in my heart and overwhelmed my whole body. All the shitty things I've met in the past three years suddenly occupied my memory. Exactly at this moment, a flash of lightning split the whole sky in half, lighting up my darkest room. Intense fall accompanied by terrifying thunder enveloped the entire town. Right at this moment, I realized, this song was about to be born.


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