Naturecare, your life". 是健康补给品也是生活态度。Naturecare.life一向以健康自然的态度去探索长寿人生的秘诀以及快乐生活的必要性。音乐,是生活的一部分,也是最直接传达讯息的媒介。借由音乐传达饮食习惯的重要性,将健康以及生活完美融合一体。身为健康品牌的领袖,永远走在时代最前端的Naturecare.life这次与来自马来西亚的人气网路创作歌手Belle Lee以及King Chain联手制作了首发品牌同名单曲 -。Belle Lee动人及高穿透力的嗓音搭配上时下最新潮之电音元素与节奏感鲜明的Afrobeat编曲架构完美诠释了健康生活态度的真谛。听著音乐,就像是刚喝完一杯Naturecare.life健康补给品一样的充满自信与魅力。若想要更进一步了解其营养成分及效能,歌词里的字里行间不旦直接揭露了健康生活的关键,也正一步步的带领你走向Naturecare.life的成功人生! NATURECARE.LIFE song: - [ ] “NATURECARE, your life”. It’s not only a healthy food but a lifestyle. NATURECARE.LIFE dedicates in discovering long healthy life and happiness in a nature way. Promoting healthy behavior through music is definitely the most direct way to express the beauty of building a good eating habit. As the most forward thinking nutritional brand in the industry, NATURECARE.LIFE teams up with the Malaysia very owned, amazing singer Belle Lee reinovate way of produce more theme songs with producer King Chain on this music project. Belle indeed fully translates the positive healthy vibe into music by her incredible voice and singing skills. The groovy drum of the trendy afrobeat and the memorable synth also brings up all the good energy like you just consume a glass of NATURECARE.LIFE drink. It’s catchy and profound lyrics and melody undoubtably make you understand the nutrition facts and the importance of leveling your life with a good lifestyle. Let this song take you to the NATURECARE.LIFE journey!

貝兒瑤菲 · 1606665600000

Naturecare, your life". 是健康补给品也是生活态度。Naturecare.life一向以健康自然的态度去探索长寿人生的秘诀以及快乐生活的必要性。音乐,是生活的一部分,也是最直接传达讯息的媒介。借由音乐传达饮食习惯的重要性,将健康以及生活完美融合一体。身为健康品牌的领袖,永远走在时代最前端的Naturecare.life这次与来自马来西亚的人气网路创作歌手Belle Lee以及King Chain联手制作了首发品牌同名单曲 -。Belle Lee动人及高穿透力的嗓音搭配上时下最新潮之电音元素与节奏感鲜明的Afrobeat编曲架构完美诠释了健康生活态度的真谛。听著音乐,就像是刚喝完一杯Naturecare.life健康补给品一样的充满自信与魅力。若想要更进一步了解其营养成分及效能,歌词里的字里行间不旦直接揭露了健康生活的关键,也正一步步的带领你走向Naturecare.life的成功人生! NATURECARE.LIFE song: - [ ] “NATURECARE, your life”. It’s not only a healthy food but a lifestyle. NATURECARE.LIFE dedicates in discovering long healthy life and happiness in a nature way. Promoting healthy behavior through music is definitely the most direct way to express the beauty of building a good eating habit. As the most forward thinking nutritional brand in the industry, NATURECARE.LIFE teams up with the Malaysia very owned, amazing singer Belle Lee reinovate way of produce more theme songs with producer King Chain on this music project. Belle indeed fully translates the positive healthy vibe into music by her incredible voice and singing skills. The groovy drum of the trendy afrobeat and the memorable synth also brings up all the good energy like you just consume a glass of NATURECARE.LIFE drink. It’s catchy and profound lyrics and melody undoubtably make you understand the nutrition facts and the importance of leveling your life with a good lifestyle. Let this song take you to the NATURECARE.LIFE journey!

