6 Partsongs, Op. 18 (arr. for mixed chorus):Venematka (The boat journey)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Dans!, ropte felen (Dance called the Fiddle):Dance" called the Fiddle)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Ett Bondbrollop (A Peasant Wedding):I. Brollopsmarsch (Wedding March)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Ett Bondbrollop (A Peasant Wedding):III. Onskevisa (Wishing Song)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Ett Bondbrollop (A Peasant Wedding):IV. I brollopsgarden (In the wedding home)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Rakastava (The Lover), Op. 14, JS 160c (version for mixed chorus)
Lars Sjogren , Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
O jeg vil ha'e mig en hjertenskjaer (And I would like a sweetheart true)
Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
3 Swedish Charms:Stamma blod (Stem the blood-flow)
Helmut Sitar , Lunds Studentsangare , Folke Bohlin
Lars Sjogren的其他专辑
- Anna Jauring , The Ensemble Singers , Uppsala Academic Chamber Choir , Marianne Mellnas , Eric Ericson Chamber Choir , Sven-Erik Alexandersson , Ove Tjernberg , Örebro Chamber Choir , Philip Brunelle , Mark Falsjö , Gudrun Bruna , Eric Ericson , Claes-Hakan Ahnsjo , Fred Sjöberg , Anders Eby , Kaysa Halldin , Lars Sjogren , Carl-Henric Qvarfordt , Swedish Radio Chorus , Harald Andersén