荷兰亚裔独立电音制作人Shook发布全新专辑《Music for City and Nature》。 始终处于忙碌状态的大都市被拥挤的人潮塞得满满当当的,耸立的摩天大楼和霓虹灯叫嚣着来吸引人们的注意。一切都在被迫向着未来的方向前进,携有目的性地在前进。外界令人晕眩的压力让你向往那些安静的地方。未曾被探索过的窄巷子,缓缓流入森林里的溪流,还有一些地方,那里只有树叶在风中的沙沙作响声和鸟儿在头顶上传来的歌声。城市和自然是不可分割的、互补的,正是这两者间的平衡,诠释了生活在这个世界上的美好。在《Music for City and Nature》这张专辑中,Shook 畅游了这个世界,他在寻找平衡与心灵的静谧,使这场斗争转化为了欣赏和声与电子音乐的作品。 “在这张专辑中,我试图记录下我职业生涯中此时此刻的情感和精神状态。它的灵感来自于冲突——充满活力和忙碌的城市生活与大自然给予的平静、温暖与和平之间的一种冲突。这不是一张城市与自然“互相角斗”的专辑,而是关于在两者间的灰色地带所存在的日常生活。我试着通过连接两边来找到平衡。我们可以在城市里建设未来,但我们不能忘记,大自然是我们的未来。每一张新专辑都是对于那个时刻的精妙呈现,抓住生活的内在形式,对有经验的听众来说是不断出现的快乐,对刚接触的听众来说则是棘手的时刻。至少这是我希望通过我的写作和音乐创作来实现的目标。我认为听完整的旅程比听单曲更重要,希望听众也能以这种方式来体验这张专辑。”——Shook The city during rush hour. A metropolis filled with people, towering skyscrapers and neon lights screaming for attention. Everything is pushed forward, towards the future, filled with purpose. The dazzling pressure and constant push make you appreciate those quiet places. Tiny unexplored alleys, rivers leading into forests, special places where the only sounds are from the leaves rustling in the wind and birds singing from above. City and nature are inseparable. Complementary. It is the balance between these two that speaks of the love of being alive. In Music for City and Nature, Shook navigates through this world. Searching for balance, peace of mind. He converts this battle to a work of appreciation for both harmonic sounds as well as electronic energy. Shook says: “In this album I tried to document my emotional and mental state at this point in my career. It is inspired by the conflict between the energetic and busy city life and the calm, warmth and peace that nature gives. It isn’t a city ‘versus’ nature album though, it is about daily life existing in a gray area in between. I try to find a balance by connecting both sides. We can build a future in the city, but we must not forget that nature is our future.” Shook says: “Every new album is a delicate display of that moment in time. It captures life in its inner form with recurring joy for the experienced listener and touchy moments for the newcomer. At least that is what I hope to accomplish with my dedication to writing and producing music. I think it’s important to listen to the complete journey, rather than listening to it as single tracks alone. I hope listeners will also experience the album this way.”
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