

「Mudasuda」是我自「普拉斯」之后一次新的音乐尝试,音乐对于我来说是最纯粹的存在,我的情感,我的想法,我说的话,我爱的人,都可以成为音乐的一种表达,这是很让我着迷的地方,那么音乐本身又是什么呢? 在我看来,音乐可以是万物,是对话,是悬在空中的月亮,是你是我,因为每个物质有不同的频段,所以就有对应的意识和表达。当音乐不再纯粹,那它又是什么?利益,荣誉,比较,掌声,阿谀奉承,还是控制别人或赚钱的工具?想到这里,我就不寒而栗。 可现实世界里音乐确实承担着一些沉重,在这首歌里,我用拥挤的堵车采样来表达音乐的背面,人性的复杂和疯癫。这首歌也算是一次性的创作,创作的过程就是发现自我的经验,我想跳脱出音乐本身的规律性,我想向市场里活跃的快消式创作套路,音乐速成发出质疑。 音乐本身其实是有规律性的,被我们发现,被我们格式化,被我们重组拼接,当跳出这种规律性,做些小的捣乱,会是什么样呢?mudasuda也是在我创作中即兴哼出来的,我喜欢这样的感觉,体会到音乐的自由和魅力。 放松一下,别太正经,音乐和生活其实都没有多复杂,音乐即生活,生活即音乐。 词曲:MieMiedos 编曲:MieMiedos 混音:MieMiedos 封面作品:patate_wang "Mudasuda" is a new musical attempt since "Plath". Music is the purest existence for me. My emotions, my thoughts, what I say and the people I love can become an expression of music. This is what fascinates me. What is music itself? In my opinion, music can be everything, dialogue, the moon hanging in the air, you and me. Because each substance has different frequency bands, it has corresponding consciousness and expression. When music is no longer pure, what is it? Interest, honor, comparison, applause, flattery, or a tool to control others or make money? I shudder at the thought of this. But in the real world, music does bear some heavy burden. In this song, I use crowded traffic jam sampling to express the back of music, the complexity and madness of human nature. This song is also a one-time creation. The creation process is to discover my own experience. I want to jump out of the regularity of music itself. I want to question the active FMCG creation routine in the market and the rapid completion of music. In fact, music itself has regularity. It is found, formatted and spliced by us. What will it be like to jump out of this regularity and make some small trouble? Mudasuda was also improvised in my creation. I like this feeling and feel the freedom and charm of music. Relax and don't be too serious. Music and life are not very complicated. Music is life and life is music. Lyrics/Composer: MieMiedos Arranger: MieMiedos Mix: MieMiedos Cover work: patate_wang


MieMiedos · 1653926400000

「Mudasuda」是我自「普拉斯」之后一次新的音乐尝试,音乐对于我来说是最纯粹的存在,我的情感,我的想法,我说的话,我爱的人,都可以成为音乐的一种表达,这是很让我着迷的地方,那么音乐本身又是什么呢? 在我看来,音乐可以是万物,是对话,是悬在空中的月亮,是你是我,因为每个物质有不同的频段,所以就有对应的意识和表达。当音乐不再纯粹,那它又是什么?利益,荣誉,比较,掌声,阿谀奉承,还是控制别人或赚钱的工具?想到这里,我就不寒而栗。 可现实世界里音乐确实承担着一些沉重,在这首歌里,我用拥挤的堵车采样来表达音乐的背面,人性的复杂和疯癫。这首歌也算是一次性的创作,创作的过程就是发现自我的经验,我想跳脱出音乐本身的规律性,我想向市场里活跃的快消式创作套路,音乐速成发出质疑。 音乐本身其实是有规律性的,被我们发现,被我们格式化,被我们重组拼接,当跳出这种规律性,做些小的捣乱,会是什么样呢?mudasuda也是在我创作中即兴哼出来的,我喜欢这样的感觉,体会到音乐的自由和魅力。 放松一下,别太正经,音乐和生活其实都没有多复杂,音乐即生活,生活即音乐。 词曲:MieMiedos 编曲:MieMiedos 混音:MieMiedos 封面作品:patate_wang "Mudasuda" is a new musical attempt since "Plath". Music is the purest existence for me. My emotions, my thoughts, what I say and the people I love can become an expression of music. This is what fascinates me. What is music itself? In my opinion, music can be everything, dialogue, the moon hanging in the air, you and me. Because each substance has different frequency bands, it has corresponding consciousness and expression. When music is no longer pure, what is it? Interest, honor, comparison, applause, flattery, or a tool to control others or make money? I shudder at the thought of this. But in the real world, music does bear some heavy burden. In this song, I use crowded traffic jam sampling to express the back of music, the complexity and madness of human nature. This song is also a one-time creation. The creation process is to discover my own experience. I want to jump out of the regularity of music itself. I want to question the active FMCG creation routine in the market and the rapid completion of music. In fact, music itself has regularity. It is found, formatted and spliced by us. What will it be like to jump out of this regularity and make some small trouble? Mudasuda was also improvised in my creation. I like this feeling and feel the freedom and charm of music. Relax and don't be too serious. Music and life are not very complicated. Music is life and life is music. Lyrics/Composer: MieMiedos Arranger: MieMiedos Mix: MieMiedos Cover work: patate_wang