Moich 8 S​ł​ó​w

Moich 8 S​ł​ó​w

This is a song recorded in September 2012 using the words recorded and sent by our fans. Anyone could send eight important words related to the ending year. In total, we received about 400 words that were used in the recording. The song was released as aCD single in a limited edition of 99 pieces.

Moich 8 S​ł​ó​w

Male Instrumenty · 1351946497296

This is a song recorded in September 2012 using the words recorded and sent by our fans. Anyone could send eight important words related to the ending year. In total, we received about 400 words that were used in the recording. The song was released as aCD single in a limited edition of 99 pieces.


Male Instrumenty的其他专辑