Little Drummer Boy

Little Drummer Boy

이 노래에서 잠시나마 각자의 마음이 비쳐 보일 순간들을 기대하며. / At least a glimpse-May this piece offer a reflection of yourself. writing - Woshi, Hajin composing - Woshi,Young jae kim arranging - Woshi,Young jae kim Drum Young jae kim, Woshi Synth Young jae kim Ambient Synth 이찬민 Fx Young jae kim Midi programming Young jae kim Bass ikbbo Guitar Woshi Acoustic Guitar Woshi Electric Guitar Woshi Vocal Woshi

Little Drummer Boy

Woshi · 1734883200000

이 노래에서 잠시나마 각자의 마음이 비쳐 보일 순간들을 기대하며. / At least a glimpse-May this piece offer a reflection of yourself. writing - Woshi, Hajin composing - Woshi,Young jae kim arranging - Woshi,Young jae kim Drum Young jae kim, Woshi Synth Young jae kim Ambient Synth 이찬민 Fx Young jae kim Midi programming Young jae kim Bass ikbbo Guitar Woshi Acoustic Guitar Woshi Electric Guitar Woshi Vocal Woshi
