Caleb Hearn and emotionally driven singer-songwriter, ROSIE join forces and put a personal stamp on their new single "Little Bit Better." A deep level of relatability and authenticity is woven through each lyric and vocal. “Teaming up with ROSIE for this song was effortless," Caleb remarks. We started with the chorus, and it just clicked – we knew we had something special. Working with my go-to collaborators, Colin and Alex, was a no-brainer; they nailed it as always. The song highlights that one person who's your constant pick-me-up, even when life throws it’s worst at you," Caleb shares.
Caleb Hearn的其他专辑
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- 旅行日志――身未动,心已远,我们终将在旅行的路上。摇下车窗,带上音乐,一人一车,在夕阳下沿海奔驰。夕阳西下,华灯初上 ,沿窗听风尘,低头忙着赶路,偶尔抬头,被风景迷了眼。 歌单建立时间――2017.5.2
- If I'm lucky enough to find the One... 超强预测歌单封面,2021新年第一天玄彬孙艺珍就官宣在一起啦~收藏的小伙伴们一定甜甜美美幸福永久呐~
- 龙应该藏在云里 你应该藏在心里 我抬头看天上的云彩 偷走骄阳的热爱 偷走黎明的无奈 地上的泥土 喜欢那些藏在云彩后面的飞鸟 欢乐声中我于是发现 你流光溢彩的向我走来