Life For Rent

Life For Rent

就让漂泊的心 停歇在她歌声中 绝美的瞬间… 寂寞城市的守护天使 蒂朵 2003全球瞩目最新大碟 漂泊的心 2001全英/欧洲销售冠军艺人 2002全英音乐奖最佳女歌手/最佳专辑得主 2002世界音乐奖三项大奖得主 英国金榜亚军浓情经典”White Flag” 深刻触动所有为爱漂泊的心 Dido不是天使,虽然首张专辑「无天使No Angel」拥有灿烂的销售数字及辉煌的得奖记录,仔细想想,这些成绩根本及不上她的歌声和作品,带给全世界千万听众刹那的感动与深刻的回味。然而以新专辑「Life For Rent」的标题,Dido清楚的说明,她也只是一个会榜徨迷惘、感觉生命漂泊不定的平凡人。 距离她的首张专辑逾1999年6月发表至今已有四年的时间。其间她经历了默默无闻到处巡迴,一年后因饶舌天王阿姆採用了Dido的"Thank You"一曲的六句,勾勒出了畅销作"Stan"的主干,Dido突然变得抢手而大红大紫,专辑随后于全世界发行,销售衝破1200万张,并马不停蹄的进行宣传及演唱,直到2002年5月才结束。之后,Dido好好地放鬆自己,踏上随意即兴的旅行生活,在世界不同的时区,为新专辑「Life For Rent」的写作题材作准备。 Dido的私人生活虽因为走红,而时常出现于媒体标题中,但这丝毫减未少她成为「更好的歌者、创作者、表演者」的努力。「Life For Rent」专辑依然找来她最熟悉的哥哥Rollo及製作人Rick Nowels共同参与。民谣、摇滚、流行、舞曲甚至嘻哈节拍,再度相聚于Dido作品中。单曲"White Flag"彷彿是"Here with Me"的续篇,但唱的却是这段曾经论及婚嫁的浓烈恋情的缘尽情未逝。标题曲 "Life for Rent"听似感伤,却也可视为Dido鞭策自己警惕的韧性。而"Mary's in India",让听者听到爱情中第三方的叙述。Dido擅长搭配音效交叠,将歌曲的画面描绘出,她口中的夏日舞曲"Sand in My Shoes",便是最佳范例。又如安慰好友情伤的"See The Sun"末段渐渐fade out,果然让人有拨云见日云淡风清的效果。 Dido的歌声儘管依然飘渺,远远地眷顾著你的喜怒哀乐爱恨嗔痴,也就是她所谓的「生活小事」,但她对于生活细节及感情描述的功力更加精鍊,亲密细腻间带有著细细的刺,随著她的娓娓道来,许多生活中已经麻痺的感动,却也渐渐甦醒。 Life for Rent was always going to be a tough prospect for Dido--how to follow up the multi-million selling No Angel? On initial inspection, it sounds like she's decided to stick to the safe option--if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So, it's business as usual with down-tempo beats, lush orchestrations, the odd bit of acoustic guitar and her distinctive voice as the cherry on top. However, a closer examination of the lyrics shows that the sweet happy English Rose has a much darker side to her--the joyous revelations of tracks such as "Thank You" on her debut album have been replaced by the sound of her heart breaking. Dido writes from the heart, sharing her personal life with her audience, so Life for Rent tells the tales of her life away from the recording studio, in particular her public break-up with her long-term boyfriend and all the apparent mess that ensued. With tales of rows ("Stoned"), confusion following an ended love affair ("White Flag") and her inability to settle down ("Life for Rent"), it's insecurities, self doubt and despair all around. There is hope, with one of the album's musical highlights "Sand in My Shoes", which sees her going off on holiday and embarking on a holiday romance--halfway between Club 18-30 and Shirley Valentine. It's impossible not to think of Bridget Jones when listening to the album, and this, in the first instance, is the audience for whom this album will reach out and touch.

Life For Rent

Dido · 1064764800007

就让漂泊的心 停歇在她歌声中 绝美的瞬间… 寂寞城市的守护天使 蒂朵 2003全球瞩目最新大碟 漂泊的心 2001全英/欧洲销售冠军艺人 2002全英音乐奖最佳女歌手/最佳专辑得主 2002世界音乐奖三项大奖得主 英国金榜亚军浓情经典”White Flag” 深刻触动所有为爱漂泊的心 Dido不是天使,虽然首张专辑「无天使No Angel」拥有灿烂的销售数字及辉煌的得奖记录,仔细想想,这些成绩根本及不上她的歌声和作品,带给全世界千万听众刹那的感动与深刻的回味。然而以新专辑「Life For Rent」的标题,Dido清楚的说明,她也只是一个会榜徨迷惘、感觉生命漂泊不定的平凡人。 距离她的首张专辑逾1999年6月发表至今已有四年的时间。其间她经历了默默无闻到处巡迴,一年后因饶舌天王阿姆採用了Dido的"Thank You"一曲的六句,勾勒出了畅销作"Stan"的主干,Dido突然变得抢手而大红大紫,专辑随后于全世界发行,销售衝破1200万张,并马不停蹄的进行宣传及演唱,直到2002年5月才结束。之后,Dido好好地放鬆自己,踏上随意即兴的旅行生活,在世界不同的时区,为新专辑「Life For Rent」的写作题材作准备。 Dido的私人生活虽因为走红,而时常出现于媒体标题中,但这丝毫减未少她成为「更好的歌者、创作者、表演者」的努力。「Life For Rent」专辑依然找来她最熟悉的哥哥Rollo及製作人Rick Nowels共同参与。民谣、摇滚、流行、舞曲甚至嘻哈节拍,再度相聚于Dido作品中。单曲"White Flag"彷彿是"Here with Me"的续篇,但唱的却是这段曾经论及婚嫁的浓烈恋情的缘尽情未逝。标题曲 "Life for Rent"听似感伤,却也可视为Dido鞭策自己警惕的韧性。而"Mary's in India",让听者听到爱情中第三方的叙述。Dido擅长搭配音效交叠,将歌曲的画面描绘出,她口中的夏日舞曲"Sand in My Shoes",便是最佳范例。又如安慰好友情伤的"See The Sun"末段渐渐fade out,果然让人有拨云见日云淡风清的效果。 Dido的歌声儘管依然飘渺,远远地眷顾著你的喜怒哀乐爱恨嗔痴,也就是她所谓的「生活小事」,但她对于生活细节及感情描述的功力更加精鍊,亲密细腻间带有著细细的刺,随著她的娓娓道来,许多生活中已经麻痺的感动,却也渐渐甦醒。 Life for Rent was always going to be a tough prospect for Dido--how to follow up the multi-million selling No Angel? On initial inspection, it sounds like she's decided to stick to the safe option--if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So, it's business as usual with down-tempo beats, lush orchestrations, the odd bit of acoustic guitar and her distinctive voice as the cherry on top. However, a closer examination of the lyrics shows that the sweet happy English Rose has a much darker side to her--the joyous revelations of tracks such as "Thank You" on her debut album have been replaced by the sound of her heart breaking. Dido writes from the heart, sharing her personal life with her audience, so Life for Rent tells the tales of her life away from the recording studio, in particular her public break-up with her long-term boyfriend and all the apparent mess that ensued. With tales of rows ("Stoned"), confusion following an ended love affair ("White Flag") and her inability to settle down ("Life for Rent"), it's insecurities, self doubt and despair all around. There is hope, with one of the album's musical highlights "Sand in My Shoes", which sees her going off on holiday and embarking on a holiday romance--halfway between Club 18-30 and Shirley Valentine. It's impossible not to think of Bridget Jones when listening to the album, and this, in the first instance, is the audience for whom this album will reach out and touch.