イスラエルの人気アーティストGarden City Movemetとのコラボレーション曲で本格的なソロ活動をスタートさせ、昨年は盟友GLIM SPANKYをフィーチャーした『I’m In A Groovie』をリリースし話題を集め、今年に入ってからもヴォーカルにKANDYTOWNのRyohuを迎え、TENDREやMELRAWも参加した新曲『Bad Mind』をリリース。それに続きく待望の最新曲『Lambo』は、KING GNUのベーシストである新井和輝をフィーチャーし、MONJOE自身がフェイバリットに挙げるFlumeやBonoboを彷彿とさせるエレクトロ・ダンス・ナンバーに仕上がっており、アートワークもこれまで同様PERIMETRONのMargtが担当。 MONJOE started his solo career with "Stunning Misspapes", the collaboration with GARDEN CITY MOVEMENT in 2020. The trackmaker is a singer of DATS and this band quickly grabbed attention in the indie scene in Japan, and Yukihiro Takahashi, a member of the legendary techno-pop group Yellow Magic Orchestra, raved about their debut single ("I personally love this sound… Very promising"). MONJOE's 2021 collaboration with GLIM SPANKY "I’m In The Groovie" and 2022 collaboration with the rapper Ryohu and MELRAW (WONK, Millennium Parade) "Bad MinS" were mixed by Masahito Komori (Hikaru Utada, Kensi Yonezu) His new track “Lambo" features the KING GNU bassist, Kazuki Arai. This electro-dance tune is reminiscent of his all-time favorites Flume and Bonobo. PERIMETRON’s Margt continues to be in charge of the artwork. “Lambo" is out on April 27.